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What Do You Think Of These Accessories?

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What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« on: 19 / June / 2008, 09:34:56 »
Hey guys...it's my b-day on Jun 22, so I decided to go on a photography shopping spree for my S5 :P
So far I got myself:

Amazon.com: Transcend 8GB SDHC CARD (SD 2.0 SPD Class 6): Electronics (8 gig SD Card)

Here is what I want to get:
Flash:  this one or Amazon.com: PRO DIGITAL SLAVE FLASH WORKS FOR ALL DIGITAL CAMERAS: Camera & Photo or Amazon.com: SLAVE FLASH FOR CANON A560 A570 A650 S2 IS S3 IS S5 IS: Electronics
Converter Lens: Amazon.com: Digital Concepts Lens adapter for Canon Powershot S5 IS, S2 IS, and S3 IS: Camera & Photo
2x Tele Photo Lens: http://www.amazon.com/HI-DEF-TELEPHOTO-LENS-CANON/dp/B000YI6WKA/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1213882190&sr=1-6
.5 WA Lens: http://www.amazon.com/0-5X-WIDE-ANGLE-LENS-CANON/dp/B000YI53R8/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1213882190&sr=1-10

So...if anybody has any tips whether to buy/not buy them, post here.

Next, does anybody know of the store http://www.digitalinnovationsny.com/?sck=19473851 ?
It has a 3x telephoto lens (WOW!), and I might just get it...but I never heard of the store...

Sooo...any input would help. If you bought any nice S5 gear, please post it tooo!
Email me at adz@jewc.org for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P


Offline carlos

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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #1 on: 21 / June / 2008, 01:22:08 »

The flash unit should be an o.k. item - looks good for a low priced slave.

The lens adapter could be alright; you might take a chance on that but it would be best to stick to tried and true Canon (plastic) or Lensmate (aluminum).
However, be aware that the low priced lenses are basically just toys and can be very disappointing. You have to spend for a good lens!

Look HERE to see sample shots from some good lenses. You wouldn't look twice at samples from those under $20 duds. You will see Lensmate adapters there and they are excellent quality and fit.

Good luck and don't waste money on stuff that will stay in a drawer ... best wait and save if necessary.  ;)




Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #2 on: 21 / June / 2008, 01:29:23 »
What carlos said.cheap lenses,keep away from them,especially when the number of advertised range of features seems to be antiproportional to the range of the price.3x lens?come on ;)


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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #3 on: 21 / June / 2008, 01:30:56 »
What carlos said.cheap lenses,keep away from them,especially when the number of advertised range of features seems to be antiproportional to the range of the price.3x lens?come on ;)


Offline fbonomi

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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #4 on: 21 / June / 2008, 02:28:34 »
I am resisting the temptation to buy those lenses too: it's too cheap to be anything more than toys..

As for the tele, my guess is that by putting a bad quality 2x tele in front of your lens you might actually lose detail:

the wide angle is different, as long as you take it as a toy.


1) bear in mind that their rating (0.5 x) are nominal and often very different from the real ones.
This quite honest guy gives you the real results
0.45 wide angle + macro Canon A540 A560 A570 A700 A710 on eBay, also, For Other Cameras, Camera Lenses, Photography (end time  23-Jun-08 15:39:29 BST)

0.45 lenses are actually 0.60, this means that you expect a field increased by 120% and yhat you get is a mere 66% field more. not impressive... see the photo he gives

2) if you go on a stronger lens be ready to have a lot of chromatic problems,
From the same guy's shop, a stronger (and more expensive) lens:
Sklep Internetowy foto-tip
(0.38x nominal, actually 0.45x)

Being an honest guy, he gives you the results you can get with these sort of lenses:

look at the first three photos:
top: normal shot
below left: taken with 0.6x lens (the first one)
below right:taken with 0.45x lens (the second one)

so, the first lens gives you a field that is just a little bit larger, nothing impressive.

the second one gives you so much chromatic defects that you can see them even in the thumbnail (top right corner). also, try zooming in and look at the stones in the bottom right corner...

But, if this is acceptable for you, and you take them as "toys", they can be fun anyway...


Offline fbonomi

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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #5 on: 21 / June / 2008, 03:00:44 »
(sorry I had to split the post in two)

all this said, I am probably going to buy one of the two, mainly for my cloud time-lapses (I want to collect a few of them). In this case I think the poor quality won't be a problem because:

1) the format will anyway be small-ish (max 1024 pixels)
2) the subject (clouds) is ... cloudy , so some loss of detail at the corners might me a lesser problem.

Beyond this, I might (MIGHT) use them also for in-door photos like family reunions etc. where quality is not a dramatic issue and where my alternative now is taking two vertical shots and combining them as a panorama...


Offline wontolla

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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #6 on: 21 / June / 2008, 05:32:01 »
I bought this cheap opteka 2.2x telephoto. I thought: "Well, I'm no professional so I won't notice the difference between a good lens and a cheap one"

Oh boy what a waste of money!

Someone here with Experience regarding "cheap" Lenses for Canon A6X0 Series?

I would stick to Rynox or Sony, there's a lot of good reviews and samples in the Canon s5IS Users Group forum.


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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #7 on: 21 / June / 2008, 20:54:09 »
I currently own two Raynox adapter tubes (52mm thread) for my S3IS. They are metal and in black color.

I was using an Olympus 1.7x teleconverter TCON-17 for a while, but the quality was not what I expected and I sold it out. Then I bought Sony's 1.7x teleconverter VCL-DH1758 and I can say it works great with this camera's lens (also should be OK with S2IS and S5IS as they share the same lens assembly as far as I know)  :D



Offline RaduP

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Re: What Do You Think Of These Accessories?
« Reply #8 on: 21 / June / 2008, 23:42:41 »
The x3 teleconverter sucks. My wife has one, and it adds a lot of chromatic aberations, and the details are not clear. In fact, even for DSLR cameras, people usually do not use anything more than 1.6x, and those things are pretty expensive (200+ usd).


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