Automatic panorama and more - page 2 - Feature Requests - CHDK Forum

Automatic panorama and more

  • 14 Replies

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Re: Automatic panorama and more
« Reply #10 on: 06 / July / 2008, 12:59:02 »
I was using beta 4 until few days ago, and I was kinda happy with it, with smartblend instead of blender.
But few days ago I downloaded some built compiled from svn and I got worse results than before :/ Isn't possible to use smartblend anymore, optimizer gives bad results each time. :///
Also the rectilinear panorama gives much different results than before (it doesn't keep my vertical lines vertical Oo).

Sorry for the off topic.

On topic : too much work to stich a good panorama to make it done by the cam automatically, imo.

Re: Automatic panorama and more
« Reply #11 on: 06 / July / 2008, 18:01:20 »
For me autostich (AutoStitch) does it. It's a fully automatic pano image processor, so the fact that you can't adjust control points may be its only downside. Nevertheless, if you have enough overlap shots this software is absolutely incredible and miles away from any other (I've tried many, just my 2 cents).

Plus it's free, the public demo expires but you can always go back and get a new build that continues working.

Autopano Pro is a commercial solution that uses the same engine, and has the advantage of fine tuning.

« Last Edit: 06 / July / 2008, 18:05:57 by acseven »


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Re: Automatic panorama and more
« Reply #12 on: 08 / July / 2008, 08:56:50 »
My main gripe is that I ALWAYS misalign the shots and in a panorama you end up with unusable portions. If you slightly tilt or misalign then you lose that information from all the shots composing the panorama.
If you could get as much as a preview then you could recompose - panorama shots are usually taken when you have time on your hands.
A useful technique for me is to tilt the camera perpendicular to the motion, i.e. keep in portrait mode for horizontal landscapes and landscape mode for vertical pans.

The root problem is that, at least for Canon point and shoots, the wide conversion lenses are EXTREMELY expensive (70 usd a toy, 140 usd usable, 400 usd semi-pro) and stitching is the only useful alternative. The in-camera stitching assist is a PITA and unusable in low light (or pretty much everywhere).


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Re: Automatic panorama and more
« Reply #13 on: 08 / July / 2008, 09:14:03 »
Have you tried the edge overlay feature in the collaborative build?

As for tilting, there is the DataGhost build giving you a sort of virtual horizon using the IS/orientation sensors. It's not very accurate generally speaking, but in the short term the output seems pretty consistent, so it could probably be used for making sure the next shot is at almost the same angle as the previous.

Anyway, I thought most good stitching programs (Hugin, etc) could correct for tilting (and geometrical aberrations) relatively easily...?


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Re: Automatic panorama and more
« Reply #14 on: 08 / July / 2008, 11:25:50 »
Anyway, I thought most good stitching programs (Hugin, etc) could correct for tilting (and geometrical aberrations) relatively easily...?
For me hugin does, almost perfectly if you choose your control points manually.
However you should turn the camera around the objective, so perspective does not change.


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