Panning effect in "HD still timelapses" - General Chat - CHDK Forum

Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"

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Offline PhyrePhoX

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Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« on: 04 / July / 2008, 09:17:03 »
Steveo: How would your workflow be with Permiere or any other tool? to create the panning effect? before or after creating the video (in high resolution of course). got any tutorial?
« Last Edit: 05 / July / 2008, 22:11:36 by PhyrePhoX »

Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #1 on: 04 / July / 2008, 14:24:20 »
Hi PhyrePhox,

I'd import the sequence as numbered stills as normal.  To get a static shot like above you'd scale down the footage to fit the project settings.  Watch it through at whatever speed and find some interesting shots, such as the washing on the line, the moon rising, a car wizzing by at night, the swooping dawn shadows etc. 

Cut and copy those avourite sections into another sequence then set the scale back to 100% and play with the keyframe position and zoom values to find some interesting "moves".  As long as there is no foreground subject, like above... the illusion works that you were shooting in standard res and panned/zoomed the camera with some fancy rigg.  Then copy the footage from one sequence to the main as you fancy.

I've been using Premiere for years now, i'm not too good at explaining it, I just "do it"!! haha!  If you can put a time lapse sequence onto some FTP space or something, I could knock something up to give an example??

I think I was half way doing such a side by side example of how the simple idea of panning a full res timelapse gives such as illusion, I will try to dig it out if I can..!

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Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #2 on: 05 / July / 2008, 13:46:37 »

I'd love to see an example of what you're talking about.


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #3 on: 05 / July / 2008, 22:10:13 »
thanks for the small tutorial (it'd be cool if you wrote that as a big tutorial as well, including images and stuff :D), and yeah, got an example?
p.s: created a new thread outta this to keep it on topic.

Re: Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #4 on: 06 / July / 2008, 10:35:35 »
Will try to track down the mini project of a sunset time lapse I was doing to give a good example of a static view and a "pan and zoom" view..!

PS 570IS User
EOS 350D/XT User

Re: Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #5 on: 07 / July / 2008, 08:35:53 »

Managed to dig out a project I abandoned a while ago, but it gives a basic and very satisfying result and explains my idea well...  Just managed to sign up to youtube and uploaded a couple of example clips... youtube does no justice to them, but you get the idea...

This is the default time lapse, reduced to fit the 720x576 video window.  Very nice (again Youtube does no justice!!)

Here's the exact same footage, but instead of starting scaled at full frame, I kept to a scale level at about 70% and "zoomed" out during the length of the clip to the final scale (34%) which matches the 720x576 video window.

This gives the impression that the camera zoom was pulled back in gradual increments on each shot by using some fancy rig, capturing a seamless zoom out.  This works when there are is few foreground objects in view, as the perspective gets messed up and it just doesn't look right.  But as above, if the objects are back far enough you can pull off such a trick.

The next step would be to do some panning across the image, and maybe different shots cut together.  But the above example should give you an idea.  If you want to know how to import the images into Premiere, and using the scale and keyframes to animate the zoom, I can knock up some sort of mini tutorial??

Remember, this will only work if you have shot a full res sequence, i.e. the pictures' resolution is greater than the final video resolution.  Making soley for the internet (say 640x480) would give you even more "zoom" ability.

Let me know if you want this explaining in a tutorial or something, or like my sunset!!


Steve  :D
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Re: Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #6 on: 07 / July / 2008, 09:31:16 »
I'm very interested in it. :D

But I have the problem of not having Premiere, I only have virtualdub.
Do you know an alternative?

Nice explanation till now!

Re: Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #7 on: 14 / September / 2008, 15:10:01 »
I am hopping that jahshaka 3.0 will have this ability
Its a free open source vid editor. - Home


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Re: Panning effect in "HD still timelapses"
« Reply #8 on: 03 / October / 2008, 14:52:13 »
I tried this Tool a few Version numers ago and I deleted it again, as my opinion about user friendly is different.
I have to try it again sometime.


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