jrewing,for the the firmware version look here: CHDK wikia: CHDK_for_Dummies8GB -> that might be the problem, for SD cards > 4GB you need a special "multi partition support"; with a card <= 4GB you should have no problems...The only way to use your whole SDHC card with CHDK is the "multi partition support" way (use the search, there's much stuff about this), but this special feature (2 partitions on the card, one small FAT16 & a big FAT32, CHDK swaps the partitions on start) is camera dependend, the A560 should supports this.The configuration for this can be a pain, not so easy...Perhaps you would also try the SDM (Stereo Data Maker) , there's a nice installer that should do all the things for the multi partitioning...
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