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Need help getting detail from RAW files

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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #20 on: 19 / July / 2008, 06:52:54 »
Is sharpening enabled in RawTherapee?

I did a try:
This is CRW opened in RT. Only WB set
(left:non sharpened  right:sharpened)

This is DNG (with dng4ps2 and my matrix for s5) opened in RT. Only WB set
(left:non sharpened  right:sharpened)

This is original JPG crop, with sharpening, color boost, noise reduction and all the other stuff the cam does.

Althought Imageshack has re-compressed images in lower quality, the differences are clearly visible. I don't see any loss of detail using DNG; at the contrary I have a better color-matching using it.
« Last Edit: 19 / July / 2008, 18:50:41 by lukg »


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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #21 on: 19 / July / 2008, 09:27:07 »
Stevvie, dng file is a raw file with some extra metadata (exif, maker notes, etc). But RAW image data remain unchanged. So dng4ps2 can't steal details from your images :)


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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #22 on: 19 / July / 2008, 11:49:41 »
WOW, that was it.


That's great! Whatever the "ins-and-outs"  of your situation re DNG, etc., (detail is always present in DNG), you can move on. Forget the old and go with the new - it works and that's all that matters.  ;)  Never use DNG myself; it's redundant with RawTherapee! Edit: On my A640, that is. Other cameras may vary. (See posts below.)

Fwiw, I prefer using unsharp mask in Photoshop over RT sharpening.

Those tiny strawberries are here in the mountains of New Mexico, USA. Persevere with macro work if it's your interest  - point-and-shoot it ain't!

Glad my random thought process helped.  :D


« Last Edit: 19 / July / 2008, 16:41:54 by carlos »


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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #23 on: 19 / July / 2008, 12:32:12 »
....... using DNG; ........ I have a better color-matching using it.

I put a DNG through RT and it converted equal to a "pure" CRW.

CRW>DNG = no change in image RAW data. What you experience would seem to have nothing to do with any difference between the two files.



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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #24 on: 19 / July / 2008, 13:04:08 »

CRW>DNG = no change in image RAW data. What you experience would seem to have nothing to do with any difference between the two files.


Yes, no differences between files, except better color matching without manual correction (only WB set).
My post was in reply to "It was dngs-2 that seemed to mess up all the detail."


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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #25 on: 19 / July / 2008, 14:14:36 »
lukg: " ..... better color matching without manual correction (only WB set)."

"WB set" - meaning - "Camera", "Custom" or "Auto"?

I don't understand how you are getting a difference ... I'm missing something (yes, primarily, brain cells!) as I see the same with either file (nothing for "Camera", as expected). All aspects of the files seem equal.

Help me understand? Thanks!


You write; "My post was in reply to "It was dngs-2 that seemed to mess up all the detail.""
I know that - am I off topic or something. :P  ;)
Edit: Duh! I think I've got it - DNG is using the particular camera profile and that makes the difference. With my camera, A640, there is no difference from CRW - with your S5IS there's a difference, and that helps your processing. So each camera model user must judge for that camera only. Am I right? Boy, I hope so!  ::)

« Last Edit: 19 / July / 2008, 15:00:03 by carlos »


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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #26 on: 19 / July / 2008, 16:23:49 »
Just saw fudgey's post HERE.

lukg:  Understand you! Should never have questioned ... always confused in the digital world ... no different in the analog one!

Well, got it right in THE END .......onward!


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Re: Need help getting detail from RAW files
« Reply #27 on: 19 / July / 2008, 18:45:07 »
 :D :D
Yeah Carlos, you got it! If you open S5 CRW files directly in RawTherapee you obtain an awful greenish picture (I think it's a dcraw fault, not rawtherapee)...So you have to work hard to get good colors!
DNG4PS insert "our almost correct" camera color profile in the DNG to make it closer to actual colors.
If you take a look at my previous pictures, you would wonder to know that the White Balance setting (custom) is the same for both pictures. (but as you can see colors are really different).

To come back on-topic,  :D , I just wanted to point out to Stevvie that DNG4PS is not the reason for his detail loss (as Artden said too)...since there is no detail loss!
Both CRW and DNG have the same detail quality, far higher than jpg (but not visible at first sight)!  :D
For what I've seen, RawTherapee uses, as default, a harder unsharp mask than Photoshop...but that doesn't mean that Photoshop is worse than Rawtherapee neither that DNG4PS washes details away from DNG!
That's in reply to stevvie's post#1: crw/dng are not less detailed than jpg. They're just less manipulated (no noise reduction, no color boost, no unsharp mask...on the contrary, the jpg has all of these). Working with RAW requires a lot of practice to obtain good results.
Bye  :P
« Last Edit: 19 / July / 2008, 18:56:37 by lukg »


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