During the provious tests I made with my TX1 (allbest-tx1-101b-51-441):
I shoot under sunshine without CHDK, M mode (also I have tried that in auto mode, but the same ), flash off.
the tx1 auto adjust to F5.0 , 250/1. The pictures were exposed properly.
Then I turn on CHDK and manually set shuttle speed override to 1/500 (or more higher speed). The TX1 still gave me the F5.0. The images then became underexposed badly. It suppose to turn to F3.5 at least. But It still kept the same aperture like no CHKD installed. That's why I thought the TX1 do not have the function of TV mode with CHDK. (My understanding to the TV mode is: Shuttle speed priority and auto adjust aperture to get proprely exposure)
remark: TX1 do not has the TV & AV mode itself.
when set shuttle speed override, "I found the TX1 is not in TV mode but tuned to a full manual camera, which means you have to manually set the aperture to get proper exposure. Otherwise the aperture will only stay at the value without CHDK. " Maybe that's the reason called "shuttle speed override" (not TV mode)
One thing else, I heard that the noise reduce function in raw setting also works for the JPEG images even the raw is set off. I've not tried that yet. Is it true?