Multiplication factor for Custom AutoISO and A720 - AllBest's Builds - CHDK Forum

Multiplication factor for Custom AutoISO and A720

  • 3 Replies
Multiplication factor for Custom AutoISO and A720
« on: 30 / April / 2008, 21:02:24 »
I installed Build 50 on my A720 and am customizing the AutoISO. It appears that, although the screen says it is multiplying by 10 the numbers I enter for maximum and minimum AutoISO and AutoISO Hi, actually it is multiplying them by 16. So, to set a maximum ISO of 400, I enter "25" rather than "40" and if I want ISO 50 for the minimum value I enter "3" rather than "5." Is this a peculiarity of this build, the camera, or both? Not really a problem, since it's easy enough to get the values I want, but I'm curious to know why the factor is 16 instead of the indicated 10.



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Re: Multiplication factor for Custom AutoISO and A720
« Reply #1 on: 03 / May / 2008, 14:10:10 »
Actually, it is multiplying by 10. The numbers you set are real-iso, whereas the numbers you see later are market-iso.

Turn on display of both via chdk to see how it works.


Re: Multiplication factor for Custom AutoISO and A720
« Reply #2 on: 04 / May / 2008, 09:46:25 »
Okay, got it. I was looking at the camera's ISO display, not the CHDK "Miscellaneous Values" display. The camera display doesn't seem to agree with either the "real" or the "market" values CHDK shows!

Re: Multiplication factor for Custom AutoISO and A720
« Reply #3 on: 08 / August / 2008, 20:08:43 »
Actually, it is multiplying by 10. The numbers you set are real-iso, whereas the numbers you see later are market-iso.
Turn on display of both via chdk to see how it works.

I've a S5 and set the following AUTO-ISO values:
ISO-HI: 400 (40*10)
Max. AUTO-ISO: 120 (12*10)
Min. ISO: 80 (8*10)
However, e.g. the "market" value shows an AUTO-ISO of 200, the real ISO (I-R) shows 130, and the ISO shown in the picture info is 125. Confused?
Laqui.  :blink:


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