I wanted to adjust the time lapse interval on my SD850is to something other than the standard choices of 1 or 2 seconds. This post
http://crteknologies.free.fr/wiki/doku.php/photo:chdk-scripts#built-in_intervalometer shows a script for an SD1000, but it didn't work on my camera (the script changes the value in property case # 265, but that didn't affect the time lapse interval on the SD850). So, I used the "show propcase" option in the "debug parameters" menu of CHDK, and scrolled through the pages until I found a value of either 1000 or 2000 (corresponding to the 1 or 2 second pre-programmed intervals), and then verified that it changed when the interval was changed using the standard menu. Then I modified the script with the new propcase #, which was 165 (not 265). It now works as designed. I also made the interval entry parameters a little easier to use. Here's the modified script:
rem Author: cyril42e <cyril42@gmail.com>
rem Camera: SD1000_IXUS70 (and maybe other DIGIC III cameras with built-in time lapse video feature)
rem Description: Allows custom built-in time-lapse movie interval
rem modified to work on SD850is by darkner, July 9, 2008
rem changed propcase # from 265 (for SD1000) to 165 (for SD850)
@title Time lapse interval
@param a Interval (Minutes)
@default a 0
@param b Interval (Seconds)
@default b 2
@param c Interval (1/10 Seconds)
@default c 0
rem set the interval
set_prop 165 d
sleep 200
rem read the interval and display it for verification
get_prop 165 e
print "val: ",e,"ms"
sleep 2000