NHSTUB(GetBatteryTemperature, 0xFFC3A350)NHSTUB(GetCCDTemperature, 0xFFC3A2E0)NHSTUB(GetOpticalTemperature, 0xFFC3A3C0)
edit: attached build for s3is.
1.- Is the ccd temperature rise due to exposure to light or is it a consequence of being an electronic device? Or both?
2.- How the heck the camera can know the battery temperature? I guess the ccd has a tiny temp sensor somewhere, like PC microprocessors. But I doubt there is a sensor close to the battery compartment. Is this figure indirectly calculated? Maybe there is a formula that returns temperature given actual current flow or something?
...Anyhow,finding these adresses is basically now only a matter of time.not brains. Loading a dump the first time into ida takes about 20 minutes on my slow box.
What's wrong with 486s?
NHSTUB(GetOpticalTemperature, 0xFFC1D01C) NHSTUB(GetBatteryTemperature, 0xFFC1D044)NHSTUB(GetCCDTemperature, 0xFFC1D030)
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