faster remote trigger - Script Writing - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

faster remote trigger

  • 2 Replies
faster remote trigger
« on: 09 / October / 2008, 13:47:42 »
hey all ,
wondering if theres a way to have the script  half shoot wile waiting for the the usb trigger
trying to photograph a exploding light bulb
and when the trigger on the bb gun is pressed the camera takes a usual full press shot  that takes half a second  and misses the shortly after point of impact

oh yea  trying with a a720is

pic is the best i can do tweaking with the trigger on the gun 
but i would like it more consistent  shot to shot  instead  of  relying on guess work
« Last Edit: 09 / October / 2008, 14:35:04 by nlantz »


Offline fudgey

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Re: faster remote trigger
« Reply #1 on: 09 / October / 2008, 16:05:49 »
I'm not sure what's the best way to do this with the SDM derived synchable remote code, but yes, you can have a script wait for the remote in half shoot. Off the top of my head (don't have my camera around right now) something like

Code: [Select]
@title halfshootremote
@param a have a nice day
@default a 0

  press "shoot_half"
  sleep 1000
    wait_click 10000
    is_key K "remote"
    if K=1 then press "shoot_full" else goto :loop
  sleep 300
  release "shoot_full"
  release "shoot_half"
  sleep 300
goto "loopyloop"

print "oopsie"

should do the trick. There's room for improvement, at least by writing it in Lua since among other things this script wastes at least 20 ms for no reason in the monitoring loop.

Re: faster remote trigger
« Reply #2 on: 09 / October / 2008, 16:47:01 »
Thanks for your reply fudgey
but your code failed to trigger , started off in half press mode , sat there then reset

looking at your code tho  i figured out to try just moving the  press "shoot_half" line from the remote burst script  to just under loop

press "shoot_half"
until is_key "remote"

insted of
until is_key "remote"

seems to work faster then it did before
you know any way to make it slightly  faster ?

Code: [Select]
@title Remote Burst 1
@param a Wait sleep (10ms)
@default a 10
a = 10*a
press "shoot_half"
until is_key "remote"

press "shoot_full"
until not (is_key "remote")
sleep a
if (is_key "remote") then goto "loop1"
release "shoot_full"
release "shoot_half"
goto "loop"


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