Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS - Script Writing - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS

  • 4 Replies
Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS
« on: 16 / August / 2008, 10:46:15 »
This is my first post. I apologize if I posted it in the wrong forum. My question is: Is there a CHDK with motion detection included for the CAnon A650? I have read many topics about motion detection but none of them talk about A650's.
Is there any tutorial for adding the script to the CHKD and make it work. Thank you very much in advance.

Re: Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS
« Reply #1 on: 16 / August / 2008, 11:57:43 »
Have you tried the one posted over here? Fast MD with burst/preview mode
« Last Edit: 16 / August / 2008, 12:00:04 by Lord »
PowerShot A720IS, SanDisk Extreme III SD 2GB

Re: Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS
« Reply #2 on: 17 / August / 2008, 15:23:07 »
Thank you for your answer Lord. I still do not know how to add the script to the CHDK. Is there a tutorial aroud here in the forum. I could not find it yet. Thanks again.


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Re: Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS
« Reply #3 on: 17 / August / 2008, 15:30:11 »


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Re: Motion Detection for a CANON A650 IS
« Reply #4 on: 17 / August / 2008, 17:55:50 »
Thank you for your answer Lord. I still do not know how to add the script to the CHDK. Is there a tutorial aroud here in the forum. I could not find it yet. Thanks again.

-> First go to the link in Lord's post

Have you tried the one posted over here? Fast MD with burst/preview mode <-- LINK !

FYI: A560 is a DryOS (=cameras operating system)-based camera with Digic III (=the image processor) properties...

-> then download the file "" there, unzip it to a new folder on your hard disc

-> rename the file "MDFB-080716-DigicIII.bas" to MDFB3.bas, then copy it to the folder \CHDK\SCRIPTS\  of your sd card
     (renaming is because your camera only shows 8.3 characters on file names)

-> read the file "MDFB-080716.txt" included in the zip file, it's the description of the script

-> start your camera with CHDK, load the script "MDFB3.bas"
    press PRINT to enter ALT-Mode, FUNC/SET to enter script menu, select "Load script from file..." with UP/DOWN + FUNC/SET,
    go DOWN & set up the parameters (first you can make some tests with the default values), leave script menu with MENU

-> start the so loaded script with the shutter button

You can stop the script with the shutter button, then with PRINT you can leave the ALT-Mode...


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