Hi Phox,
maybe also an extra lua dir?
YES, unbedingt 
We will also get LUA libraries for universal usage in the future - i started collecting all my LUA snippets like date / time functions, someday we can publish such libs with the build, scripting with LUA is so nice, yeah !
...you can also write the same 100+ lines in all of your uBASIC scripts, again and again, but 2 lines in LUA like
require "mylib"
are a bit smarter for lazy people like me 
Okay, so extra LUA directory it is then.
Snippets would be extremely useful by the time we have a virtual keyboard - you would have examples and documented code/snippets in the "extra/examples" folder - even when on the road you could write useful scripts then (without internet access, and even when you have internet access - sometimes browsing the wiki is hard, so having ready-to-use examples on the sdcard would rock). I don't know about these Lua libs so i really don't know how much effort can and should be put into these. i only know that ubasic isnt that hard to maintain

this is a very good idea, but some scripts are constantly changing, the maintenance could be very hard.
but I must say you are very good at this :-)
Anyway, a centralized library of scripts would be very useful for end users.
On the other hand, a a shared library of functions/snippets would be very useful for scripters, but in this acse the Wiki format is probably better, as it's more easy to divide and catalog snippets.
The size of this uber-library could also be a problem: if all the functions are in a single file, that would be huge. (I am already forced to use require because of limitations in script size !!)
So, for LUA script I suggest:
1) for end users, a library of packaged scripts, each one with its libraries. ZIPPED in the distro
2) for developers, a shared pool of functions in the Wiki
I am curious to know the opinion of other developers...
hm, some scripts maybe constantly change, but other scripts dont. And even if they change - updating svn is just a matter of seconds.
what do you mean by ZIPPED in the distro for endusers? you mean an extra zip IN the zip? would be hard extracting the archive on the road

but maybe i just didnt understand you correctly here.
i concurr about the wiki, it has to be expanded.
What else do we need, more functions? for example: do we have a lua/ubasic command that returns the state of playback/record switch of the cam? if not, i can do that. Would be great having scripts that start with "Hey you fool, this script has to be run in record mode" or something like that.
The size of this uber-library could also be a problem: if all the functions are in a single file, that would be huge. (I am already forced to use require because of limitations in script size !!)
So, for LUA script I suggest:
1) for end users, a library of packaged scripts, each one with its libraries. ZIPPED in the distro
2) for developers, a shared pool of functions in the Wiki
I would suggest more smaller modules for the 'library', rather than one big one. Disk space is essentially a non-issue (I doubt the total of all scripts ever written for chdk amounts to one camera jpeg) but runtime memory is quite restricted. Having to "require" multiple packages is not a big deal.
As for what should be included, a decent intervalometer and MD would be my top picks. Bracketing can mostly be done without resorting to script, but maybe there's some techniques that are better done with script ?
You don't need to include everything under the sun. I think users would be better served by a couple good example of each general task rather than everything that's ever been written. This is especially true when the scripts need to be maintained to follow updates in CHDK. You can always include more in an "extras" directory or provide links, but IMO the ones that come pre-installed should be a relatively select few that are maintained and known to be working.
I'd say that the "official" scripts and script libraries should be in an SVN repo, and the authors should have commit access.
yeah the total number of "decent" scripts isnt that big. Maybe we even can build a script that can handle ALL cases (we may have to change chdk). Also, our efforts integrating an intervalometer and/or MD directly into chdk shouldnt stop as well.
The scripts should of course get into the svn, and the authors should be granted access - i'm sure grand will shell out the rights if you apply for them (and you arent a "noname" in the forum and known to be a sane person

my goal is more or less to have the "universal" aspect in it (run the same script on every cam, everywhere). it would HOPEFULLY also decrease the amount of "new user questions" in the forum (which we can handle for sure, but i'd rather have satisfied "customers" in the first place

Should the scripts be multilingual (i.e. one script that kind of asks the LANG var - which would have to be written in CHDK first) or just translated by the people (and put into the right directory). Size isnt an issue here.
Thanks for the responses so far, folks