Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000) - page 3 - CHDK Releases - CHDK Forum

Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)

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Offline whim

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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #20 on: 12 / December / 2008, 10:01:42 »
Thanks, ewavr !

This thread + your comments gives me some ideas to chew on for implementing this stuff in CardTricks.



Shouldn't that be 'FAT32' in step 1 ? After all, we can assume it's a card > 4G, right ?

edit2: ... and of course, this whole procedure is impossible on DryOS cams,
              which reminds me of a Q i have for ewavr:

              if chr succeeded in using his QEMU cam emulation to find and overcome the "New DryOS" encryption,
              shouldn't the same be possible for the *.fi2 on DryOS ?
« Last Edit: 12 / December / 2008, 10:16:27 by whim »


Offline quietschi

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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #21 on: 12 / December / 2008, 10:29:34 »
Thanks ewavr you are right! again!

new Gebrauchsanweisung User Guide

1. format card in camera low level format (you get a 1 partition fat16 card)
2. shutdown camera put only *.fir file on the card
3. start camera in play mode select firm update
4. in debug create card with 2 partition (you get 1. partition fat12 2mb, 2. partition fat32 rest of the card)
5. in misc swap partiton
6. shutdown camera format card 2.partition fat32
7. put your custom chdk folder and the *.fir on the card
8. start camera in play mode select firm update
9. in misc swap partiton
10. shutdown camera format card 1.partion with cardtricks fat16 and make card bootable
11. put diskboot.bin on the card
12. lock sd card and start camera

btw. is there a chance to format the card in chdk?
i think something like
1step create card with two partition and format the two partitions set 2. partition active?


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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #22 on: 12 / December / 2008, 10:45:37 »
Shouldn't that be 'FAT32' in step 1 ? After all, we can assume it's a card > 4G, right ?

all my test was with several 2gb cards - i dont own a >4gb card
i only want to implement the possibility to use greater cards with ixus70 for the future
but i think you are right because if card is >4gb it must be formated in fat32

if i found ewavr's guide before i saved a lot of time

btw i checked sdm site and found that theres also multipart support for ixus70 ver 102a and 101b, that also had saved me a lot of time with ida ;-)

maybe its the last time i can use this smiley, because i heard that a russian guy will have the rights for it


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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #23 on: 12 / December / 2008, 11:05:50 »

sorry, accididentally reposted my edit of #20  :-[

« Last Edit: 12 / December / 2008, 11:20:25 by whim »


Offline sylikc

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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #24 on: 16 / December / 2008, 04:12:03 »
hi peeps... for all the trouble of getting multipartitions on the card, with XP I've followed these pretty much flawless instructions: Autoboot with 8GB and HDHacker Possibillity

I think we need to merge something into the wiki for multipartition cards.

On another note, quietschi: I was wondering, would you be able to attempt a port of your multipartition code for the SD1000 into one for the SD750?  I'd be happy to test any builds you make :D... (It requires ASM knowledge that I lack)

props to TPC + PhyrePhox for SD750 work: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a Thread
props to quietschi for multipartition support + button fixes!
SD750 bracketing issues


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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #25 on: 16 / December / 2008, 08:13:54 »
On another note, quietschi: I was wondering, would you be able to attempt a port of your multipartition code for the SD1000 into one for the SD750?  I'd be happy to test any builds you make :D... (It requires ASM knowledge that I lack)

as there are three subversions for ixus75_sd750 this will take some time. Maybe if you can tell me wich version you need, i can try starting with yours first in the next couple of days.

btw it would be good if you have a signature with your camera(s) version(s)

cheers quietschi


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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #26 on: 16 / December / 2008, 19:13:26 »
Ah, that was silly of me.  Thanks a bunch quietschi.  There are a load of outstanding issues on the SD750 that need the attention of a skilled ASM coder ;).. like bracketting isn't working, and buttons are mapped weird, hehe, but I won't ask for too much :D

I have an SD750 1.02a .  At this point, I'm pretty much with the you-build-it,-and-i'll-test-it mood.  SD750 is a fairly new addition to the SVN tree, thanks to TPC and PhyrePhox.

Let me know how it goes, thanks again!

props to TPC + PhyrePhox for SD750 work: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a Thread
props to quietschi for multipartition support + button fixes!
SD750 bracketing issues


Offline quietschi

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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #27 on: 17 / December / 2008, 05:31:25 »

attached a testbuild with new features, multipartition support and .dng visible via usb for ixus75_sd750 102a svn 640
please test and report

cheers quietschi


Offline sylikc

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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #28 on: 17 / December / 2008, 14:18:31 »
wow, that was quick!  I will test this build as soon as I get home and report. 

props to TPC + PhyrePhox for SD750 work: IXUS75/SD750 1.01a | 1.00b | 1.02a Thread
props to quietschi for multipartition support + button fixes!
SD750 bracketing issues


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Re: Adding Multipartition Support for Ixus70 (SD-1000)
« Reply #29 on: 17 / December / 2008, 15:16:03 »
.. like bracketting isn't working, and buttons are mapped weird
Maybe theres wrong mapping in kbd.c
Try this script attached you get an output of the key you pressed and report
note: on my ixus70 up, down, left, right, display, menu, set

cheers quietschi


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