Having notifyied some strange behaviour with 'shut_down',I have made some test in script like this:
(in a loop 'for next')
if ....then shut_down
print x
next x
At my surprise I needed a 'sleep 1000' on my g7 Allbest#50 after if...shut_down!(to not execute following lines)
If my scipt shoot delay was to 1(.1s) a sleep (1100 at least)was needed before 'print', too.Two or more following instructions
may be involved.Used in a loop,shut_down followed by other instructions(a=get_usb_power for example) without 'sleep' may put in trouble.
Last edit:
As a 'sleep 1100' is indesirable in a loop,the 'shutdown'has only to be get out of the loop:
for x=...
if ... then goto "shutdown"
next x
sleep 1500