ixus90/sd790 IS porting - page 22 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

ixus90/sd790 IS porting

  • 331 Replies
Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #210 on: 22 / June / 2009, 14:58:34 »
Hey, just want to report that it finally works. It was my own stupidity that prevents CHDK from running on my cam :(

Thank you again very much!

Best regards

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #211 on: 22 / June / 2009, 16:59:40 »
Hi there,

just another question: Has anybody succeed in doing TV Bracketing? It seems that all pictures it takes are identical. I have allowed setting overwriting, camera is in manual mode.

Best regards

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #212 on: 25 / June / 2009, 14:34:09 »
There seems to be a lot of information scattered throughout this thread.  Can someone provide a walkthru on how to get chdk working on this camera?  PS.FI2 replaces DISCBOOT.BIN?  The card has to be made bootable with CardTricks?

What else am I missing?  I've made my card bootable with CardTricks and copied the PS.FI2 to the root directory of the SD card, but I don't see an update firmware option in any menu.  Where is this supposed to show up?

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #213 on: 25 / June / 2009, 15:49:11 »
What else am I missing?  I've made my card bootable with CardTricks and copied the PS.FI2 to the root directory of the SD card, but I don't see an update firmware option in any menu.  Where is this supposed to show up?

You must copy the whole archive including the CHDK folder. It's important to keep the directory structure of the archive.

Also you must start the camera in Play-mode.
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2009, 16:00:05 by dandan »

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #214 on: 25 / June / 2009, 17:18:24 »
There seems to be a lot of information scattered throughout this thread.  Can someone provide a walkthru on how to get chdk working on this camera?  PS.FI2 replaces DISCBOOT.BIN?  The card has to be made bootable with CardTricks?

What else am I missing?  I've made my card bootable with CardTricks and copied the PS.FI2 to the root directory of the SD card, but I don't see an update firmware option in any menu.  Where is this supposed to show up?
Sirsloth, you do not have to make your card bootable if you use PS.FI2. Your cam won't start CHDK automatically if you don't use DISKBOOT.BIN, and make your card bootable.

You said walkthrough? Here goes.
Download the following file and save it to the root directory of your card (this step is the most important so make sure it is the root).
Your card is already bootable I assume?
Lock the card (I repeat, LOCK the card) and insert it in your cam. Now it should start automatically.
If you don't want it to start automatically put this file on your card PS.FI2 and don't lock it.
(In all steps make sure you have your cam in REVIEW mode!)
             if you have any questions you know what to do,
« Last Edit: 25 / June / 2009, 17:26:23 by jimers »
Let Me At 'Em

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #215 on: 25 / June / 2009, 17:35:07 »
Hi there,

just another question: Has anybody succeed in doing TV Bracketing? It seems that all pictures it takes are identical. I have allowed setting overwriting, camera is in manual mode.

Best regards
This might not be the best thread to ask that question. Check in some other threads, for the most part this thread seams to be for getting CHDK booted 8)
(I'm not saying not to ask though because some scripts don't work yet with this cam)
Let Me At 'Em

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #216 on: 03 / July / 2009, 02:53:34 »
Hi there,

just another question: Has anybody succeed in doing TV Bracketing? It seems that all pictures it takes are identical. I have allowed setting overwriting, camera is in manual mode.

Best regards
  Here are my settings...   Could take a pic but here...

      Main Menu
Extra Photo Operations ->
  Disable overrides                     [  OFF]
    Include Auto ISO & Bracketing?  [  *]           (asterisk is a dot on menu)
  Override shutter speed         [   1/500]        (enter the lowest appropriate value for the amount of light given)
  Override Subj. Dist. Value            [  0]
     Value factor (mm)                  [  Off]
  Override ISO Value                     [  0]
     Value factor                             [Off]
  Bracketing in continuous mode ->
  Custom Auto ISO ->
  Clear override value@start           [    ]
  Enable fast Ev switch?                  [    ]
       Step size (1 EV)?                 [  4EV]
  Force manual flash                        [  ]
        Power of flash                       [   0]   
        Bracketing in continuous mode
  TV bracketing value              [  1/3 Ev]
  Subj. Dist. Value                          [  0]
     Value factor [mm]                    [Off]
  ISO bracketing value                    [  0]
     Value factor                             [Off]
  Bracketing type                           [   -]
  Clear bracketing values on start    [    ]
  Add raw suffix                              [  *]

  TV bracketing works for me.   
I watch the OSD while I half press the shutter button. When the TV overrides are correct, I fully press the shutter button the rest of the way in...   Seconds later I've got 10 different exposures to choose from, and/or compile them into HDR images...       :-)
« Last Edit: 03 / July / 2009, 03:51:40 by Jonnyrockit »

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #217 on: 03 / July / 2009, 02:54:55 »
 THESE SHOTS ARE VERY EXPERIMENTAL. I'M TOO POOR FOR REAL GEAR!!!   But with the help of digital processing, future shots will be much better!       Stacking 15 second high ISO shots seem to be better than long low ISO untill a motorized platform falls into my hands!

Here are a few shots from the 790is! Some HDR, some time exposures and some snap shots...

 RAW Image attempt!  (I'm getting better with the editing software Ready for round two on this shot and others)

SF skyline HDR

Trees HDR

SF Skyline Night

Astro stuff


  For astro-imaging, I need to either stack some of my shots or ride piggyback on a good automated telescope...   But still not bad for low lighting
« Last Edit: 03 / July / 2009, 03:57:43 by Jonnyrockit »

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #218 on: 05 / July / 2009, 18:11:29 »
Just wanted to say thanks for this port. I mainly use CHDK for my LUA scripts and everything (I use) seems to be working properly on my 1.00E SD790 IS.

I have a SD1000 which I would like to retire and now I can!

PS: Anyone notice the scrolling clock you get on this camera when you hold down SET in playback mode? (Stock firmware)

Re: ixus90/sd790 IS porting
« Reply #219 on: 05 / July / 2009, 19:20:04 »
Hi guys!

I'd like to thank all developers of this port and CHDK in general so much for their hard work!
This is a priceless add-on for my little camera!

@Jonnyrockit: Thanks for the settings!

Best regards,


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