Okay, I can report the following:
- I will go snowboarding from 07.02.2009 to 15.02.2009
- Camera boots with latest DISKBOOT.BIN
- LED next to ISO blinks 3 times, then I can see the CHDK logo
- There are CHDK icons etc on the display (seems rather clutterd) [I'll attach a image soon]
*Hitting the "Display Button" removes the default Canon Icons and it looks like plain CHDK
- When I hit the "Function Set Button" for a few seconds I can see a fancy Clock :-)
- Hitting the "Direct Print Button" brings me into the CHDK "ALT" mode
* Pushing the "Menu Button" while in the "ALT" Mode i reach the CHDK menu
- Shooting RAW on a 32MB SD-Card does not make much sense :-)
!!!!! T H A N K S A L O T S H A R K Y !!!!!
some pictures: