My first thought: is having a couple of identical directories really that costly, spacewise ? Let's say for ixus70_sd1000
the CHDK versions for 101a and 101b are exchangeable, what would it take to add 101a ?
1) copy /platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/101b/*.* --> /platform/ixus70_sd1000/sub/101a/*.*
2) insert:
$(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory PLATFORM=ixus70_sd1000 PLATFORMSUB=101a NO_INC_BUILD=1 firzipsub
$(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory PLATFORM=ixus70_sd1000 PLATFORMSUB=101a NO_INC_BUILD=1 firzipsubcomplete
$(MAKE) -s --no-print-directory PLATFORM=ixus70_sd1000 PLATFORMSUB=101b NO_INC_BUILD=1 clean
to the root Makefile
3) Done, filespace cost ~ 40 -70 kB (according to filesystem/cluster size) per firmware version, so from ewavr's info
less than 300-500 kB for the lot.
If filespace is he reason for this suggestion, how about:
hardlinks (
Hard link - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) ,
symbolic links (
Symbolic link - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
or aliases (
If it was implemented as you suggest I don't think it would break any functionality in CHDK-Shell,
but it would wreak some havoc in the GUI (firmware selection boxes)
I'd probably build in a filter to create the 2 identical subdirs after unpacking anyway...
I'll think about it some more, but as you can tell my vote goes to total symmetry for all firmwares, I think that
it's part of the beauty of the CHDK source tree (why would a firm that happens to be almost identical to it's
cousin have less right to it's measly 50 kB than 1 that is substantially different ?)