I've followed the instructions on reading the version number on my A610, but nothing appears on the screen except the image that is on the card. Am I doing something wrong?
I don't think anything is wrong - the 'main screen' after switching on in play mode
is the last pic that you
watched. Now just
press set and hold it down, then - with another finger - press DISP and presto !
It should say something like this:
Canon Powershot A580
P-ID: 3177 NT D
Firmware Ver GM1.00C
If not, are you sure you've followed the instructions in the Wiki FAQ (link see signature below) ?
I mean these:
----------------- snip -----------------------------------------------------------------------
. How can I get the original firmware version number of my camera?
A. To get the version number, you need to:
* create a file called ver.req in the root directory of your SD card. Be sure to save it as all files and not text. It might be necessary to create the file name explicitly in upper case. e.g. VER.REQ
* IMPORTANT: Note that it is spelled ver.req, as in VERsion REQuest, that Q is NOT a G, Type it correctly!!!
* switch on the camera in playback mode and wait for the main screen (don't switch on in rec mode and change to playback later)
press the set+disp. buttons together (press set first,
hold it down, then press disp.).
---------------- snip ------------------------------------------------------------------------
just run through all the steps again, it
must work ...
hope that helps
BTW, you probably know this, but "in the root directory" means 'not in a directory'
when you open you SD card in Windows it should look a bit like in attached picture