How about this? It works on my A710, but don't works on G7 (signarure search failed, but if I assign correct function address, all works).
The longer the signature, the less chance to match it for other models. Did you try to cut the signature a bit and to match a shorter version for G7?
How about this? It works on my A710, but don't works on G7 (signarure search failed, but if I assign correct function address, all works). Of course, it has its drawbacks - dumper uses absolute sector writing instead of filesystem.This is reference project only, it should be added signature for DRYOS cams and changed signature search algorithm.
I just tested your first dumper on my A720. I removed the signature, assigned the address to WriteSDCard directly and it actually wrote the firmware to the card.
Can you also test first or second dumper with signatures (generated by tools/gensig(.exe)) ? If it works, we can try to dump A650 in ten seconds
I made the signature and it seems to work (main.c attached). One thing is strange, though. wr() doesn't seem to return. At least the debug-led isn't turned off, but the data is written anyway.
How would I go about finding that function so I can get this to work on the SD870?
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