Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance - page 2 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance

  • 15 Replies
Re: Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance
« Reply #10 on: 29 / August / 2008, 19:04:53 »
This sounds like what happened to the author of open-source panotools. He wrote the whole thing then some a**wipe company came in, claimed they wrote it, then shut down all legal open-source distribution of panotools and prevented the original author from doing any further work on it. All at great expense and loss to the original author.


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Re: Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance
« Reply #11 on: 29 / August / 2008, 19:25:07 »
NewbieToobie, that's when it's worth getting a lawyer. That's some easy money, right there.
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Re: Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance
« Reply #12 on: 30 / August / 2008, 05:04:07 »
GPL discussion again...

I recently purchased a D-Link residential router that came with a little piece of paper entitled "GNU GPL License Notice". I immediately rushed to their site to get the source, but of course there wasn't any available. It soon became clear that they indeed used GPL'd code, which at some point was somehow discovered, apparently by reversing their f/w (which is  illegal btw). So now they ship their items with a little piece of paper. That much of GPL...


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Re: Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance
« Reply #13 on: 30 / August / 2008, 07:31:43 »
This is not really a GPL issue. GPL is just a license crushmeguy says they are ready to comply with. End of story there. Anyone can take GPL'd code and modify it.

If they don't distribute their work, they don't need to tell anyone and certainly not publish anything. This is not the case as making money was mentioned. But since apparently are ready to distribute their modifications, there's nothing wrong here. An open source project can immensely benefit from someone pouring money at it, even if it's for a specific purpose which doesn't service all users.

But CHDK may not benefit from corporate money, because the real problem is Canon. If they see someone making significant amounts of money from their cameras in ways not compatible with their market strategy and product positioning, they may react -- even if that someone is actually somewhat increasing their sales. This has been discussed in great lengths before on this forum.

Anyway, I'm not a coder nor do I have the time so you're not looking for me. :D

Re: Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance
« Reply #14 on: 30 / August / 2008, 08:41:48 »
I want to speak with an authority, not a group.  It is just easier to communicate with one knowledgeable source.  I need a point man. 

There are literally only a couple of people who are truly expert on the workings of CHDK and the Canon firmware.

They are based in Russia and the Ukraine.

Even if they are interested, I do not know if they would be comfortable conversing in English.

Nearly all supported cameras are old models that may be difficult to obtain new.

I suspect Canon has taken a relaxed view so far,  but that could easily change  ... maybe it already has with the firmware for the latest cameras.

Re: Looking for an expert developer to provide paid assistance
« Reply #15 on: 31 / August / 2008, 17:15:42 »

I'm sorry to disallow this conversation to proceed, but any commercial venues will CHDK will not be tolerated under this board.

Many of us (users) think that Canon's view of this board may change dramatically if a commercial side to CHDK should exist, and I must use my position as admin to make that position very clear.


edit: the Board RULES have been updated to ensure this is written down properly...
« Last Edit: 31 / August / 2008, 17:21:02 by acseven »


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