Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?

  • 5 Replies
Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?
« on: 04 / September / 2008, 22:47:24 »
The wiki states that:
Sudamerica 1.01B

Another version made in China: Canon PowerShot S5 IS

P-ID:3148  NT D

Firmware Ver GM1.01B
No error
June 14 2007    20:11:19

It does not work CHDK 1.01B and 1.01A

Does that mean that any S5IS marked as "made in China" would not work with CHDK?


Re: Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?
« Reply #1 on: 05 / September / 2008, 06:05:14 »
Isn't the quote a little old (June 2007)? The wiki says these two firmware versions are supported, at least at the front page it says so...
« Last Edit: 05 / September / 2008, 06:10:29 by hindenburg »


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Re: Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?
« Reply #2 on: 05 / September / 2008, 10:15:44 »
i think at the moment all powershots are made in china...

Re: Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?
« Reply #3 on: 05 / September / 2008, 10:40:12 »
Isn't the quote a little old (June 2007)? The wiki says these two firmware versions are supported, at least at the front page it says so...

The date in the quote was the date of the firmware, not the post date. It was edited on July 13th, 2008. As I understand it, S5IS can be either "made in Japan" or "made in China". The wiki seems to imply that the "made in China" ones have a different firmware (although it is still 1.01B) so CHDK would not work. However, the wording is a bit weird, so I am not sure whether he meant some of them would not work or all of them would not work. Here is the wiki edit history:

# (cur) (last)  03:56, 13 July 2008 Nonatonon (Talk | contribs) (4,895 bytes) (?Firmware versions) (undo)

Anybody has any experience with this particular firmware?


Re: Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?
« Reply #4 on: 16 / September / 2008, 12:32:54 »
id like second to that question.
id like to buy an s5, and CHDK plays a great part in this. this is the reason why im reading this forum although at the moment i dont have any camera 8).
but if theres a chance that the camera i buy doesnt support CHDK (or vice versa), that limits my buying options (eg webshops are out).
if the incompatible firmware can be found only in south-america, then i guess all is ok.
the wiki is really a bit ambigous in this matter.

so plz could someone give us some more exact info?

Re: Does CHDK work on a "made in China" S5IS?
« Reply #5 on: 16 / September / 2008, 12:47:02 »
I have an S5IS, made in China, with the following:

Code: [Select]
P-ID:3148  NT D

Firmware Ver GM1.01B
No error
June 14 2007    20:11:19

It works no problems with Allbest 1.01b firmwares 50 and above.


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