General EOS 40D development discussion - page 6 - DSLR Hack development - CHDK Forum

General EOS 40D development discussion

  • 169 Replies
Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #50 on: 19 / September / 2008, 16:08:03 »
DataGhost please add ISO 50, 6400 & 12800* (can if possible) into your new development, the reason is eventhough ISO 50 is 100 - 1 stop & 6400 is 1600 + 2 stop, it help me so much, because with ISO 6400 i can minimized my post processing time (sometimes with ISO 3200 i only got 1/20 at f 1.4 & i rarely shoot RAW because of time consuming in post processing), and regarding ISO 50 eventhough it decrease image quality a bit, it might be help me so much (i remembered when i traveled aboard & forgot to bring my ND filter, i couldn't shoot waterfall because my camera only goes to 1/4 sec & when i used manual mode, my picture was blew up)

I remembered back when i had original rebel, someone post firmware hacked to activate ISO 3200, I really hope this thing happen again into my 40D. Thanks in advance Dataghost for all the efforts you put it in (eventhough i cant help anything).

Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #51 on: 20 / September / 2008, 11:15:22 »
 First off, excellent and exciting work, Dataghost!

 Been capturing liveview feeds off the pc for a while now using Camstudio, but would love to have a native way of generating avi's directly.  I know you guys concentrate mainly on the firmware, but is anyone maybe working with the Canon sdk to capture and write avi's from the liveview feed?  The reason I ask is that the liveview feed through the eos utility has better resolution (roughly 800x600), albeit a slower frame rate I think.  Would be nice to have an application that captures avi's directly from liveview when shooting tethered (and not through the vide out cable).

 I'll go check out the chdk and see if I can guinea pig my 40D, lol.  If you ever get comfortable with an alpha or beta release and need volunteers, don't hesitate to contact me.

 Keep up the great work.


Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #52 on: 21 / September / 2008, 09:04:31 »
First of all, great work on this!
And second, I got basically no experience in programming. But I do own a 40D, and I would be glad to help you in any way possible with your project.

Keep it up!

Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #53 on: 21 / September / 2008, 12:54:40 »

I must say, that all these is some impressive work. It would be fair from Canon to release cameras thet outdate due to the stupid marketing race to public domain (in terms of software). Imagine a OpenDSLR platform, where you specialists would focus on functionality not on the demanding firmware decryption.

My wishes for the firmware would be:
- the DirectPrint button to toggle and display status of the Mirror Lockup
- AF microadjustment
- script based image capture (custom bracketing, scheduled triggering, etc.)

I think these features have grounds to be implemented, yet the others (movie mode) will probably not be usable in practice even if they can be implemented.

Best regards,


Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #54 on: 22 / September / 2008, 14:11:18 »

can you tell me where I use the software for the EOS40D can download. I would be very interest new ratings.
Please send a private message.


Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #55 on: 23 / September / 2008, 04:30:15 »
since 450D is out and with contrast AF and face detection(?),
it still use the D-iii engine. so the code should help fix the 40D live view problem.
can anyone has 450D help dump it?
for the movie mode, seems D-iii is lack of power to do a 720P @30fps.
do you have idea what is the native sub-sampling mode 40D sensor has?
it might determine the resolution available.
the 50D seems to sampling every other 3 pixs to get the 1280x720P.
this allows faster output from sensor (some sensor white papers describe how this work)

fix the live view AF and AF fine adj will be the top features on my list.
movie will be a plus:)

I have 40D and will be more than happy if i can help a little.

Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #56 on: 24 / September / 2008, 03:58:39 »
wow, this looks cool

where is it possible to download and try? I am really interested in it... ;0

Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #57 on: 24 / September / 2008, 05:54:28 »
Wow, awesome hack. Hope to see this on the 1D3 someday ;)

Until that time a few words, I don't know the technical level of the hacks (activation of diagnostics or a simple hex edit?) but you may want to look and see if you can do programed macros with your firmware. Removing the need for TC-80N3 (intervalometer) or whatever else comes to mind. Also, maybe look and see if anything could get gutted to sacrifice versatility (and functionality) for pure speed (performance).

Re: General EOS 40D development discussion
« Reply #58 on: 24 / September / 2008, 11:46:17 »
Wow cool! Nice Hack, i hope you explain to us how you went on to find this! (in simple terms of course)

I read in this thread that you believe this can also be done for the 450D, i know you are not there yet but, would it be with the same firmware or hack as the one you are using for the 40D?
« Last Edit: 24 / September / 2008, 11:52:40 by fpalangie »
450D & 18-55mm, 100-400mm

about Dataghost new communication
« Reply #59 on: 24 / September / 2008, 13:53:05 »
It seems DataGhost is a lot stressed, if you read with attention his new introduction tatsebao.
I appreciate his work and i hadn't any doubt about his first video clip, it wasn't necessary to see the second video for trusting it was a real 40D recorded clip, without any cable.  But i have to say that he wrote info about this project and he posted the video here and, most of all,  on Youtube, so it's "normal" and also obvious that so wide and not always patient attention has growth on last weeks, in many forum.
So, he doesn't need, at the moment, any help, nor test, nor too much push or intrusive sustain, not fired fans.
He don't want "impatient people" who ask for an easy hack here, there and everywhere, on everyday.
I can understand.
It's ok, i think he (or other expert in hacking) have to take his time, even if i have to say don't like so much the irritating tone and content of that introductory proclama.
DataGhost, i'm not impatient, you've done a good work, but if you don't like all this noise and expectation, that are of course for a concrete and usable firmware-software, you should have communicate something only in the days of a beta. Or not?
My best wishes.


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