aww come on. did i really treat you that bad? i dont think so.
1. are you referring to
this post about the chinese firmware? there is no statement whatsoever that chinese-made cameras would not work with chdk. there is an assumption made, but with no backing.
2. come on, for example you tried both s5is chdk versions for your camera before you even found out your own firmware, didnt you perhaps stop for one minute and think: hey, wait a second, why are there different chdk versions for my camera? maybe i should find out. then you would have found the vers.req thingy etc in the first place. if i own an electronic device and i read somewhere there are "new firmwares" for it, i certainly would try to find out the difference in the offered firmwares before i might fry my hardware (well, chdk wont fry it, but can you be sure!?).
so the canon manual states "the s3is is definitly not working with sdhc cards"? no, it doesnt, i just checked it. there is no statement even remotely close to that to be found in the manual. in fact, there also is no statement like "it will only work with normal sd cards". only thing you might refer to (in my eyes) is the capacity: they only give examples (for the calculations regarding number of total pics on one card etc), and the biggest example they provide is a 512 MB sd card (probably the biggest available by the time they made the s3is).
as a matter of fact, the camera may be used as a hammer, i didnt try it yet, but there isnt anything like "this cam cannot be used as a hammer" in the manual, so i will certainly not go somewhere and post "hey, this camera cant be used as a hammer" - because i am not sure. assumptions are assumptions, and thus should be marked as being assumptions.
so, all these posts in the newbie category were moved there to make the people look like idiots? well, thats news for me, thank you for clearing that up.
trust me, i help people, i help them all the time, be it in this forum, be it in my job, be it in my real life. i am not here to bash people, especially not "newbies". but i am allowed to post my opinion, aint i. my opinion was posted by my mind, not by my status as being mod or a "5 star member".
the moving of the thread was done by my status of being mod.
don't be so hard on me.