Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users - page 3 - CHDK Releases - CHDK Forum

Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users

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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #20 on: 15 / September / 2008, 19:16:20 »
What does all this mean?

So, if I'm a newbie, asking the same old question: what build should I download?

The answer is: There is only one build now (apart from SDM) which has ALL features, bells and whistles. We call it just CHDK and can be downloaded from here:

Now, a personal question to developers: Are we going to follow this "JuciPhoX model" for future work? I mean, are we going to keep collecting experimental ideas/code on an alternative build? Some sort of JuciPhoX_2?


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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #21 on: 15 / September / 2008, 19:25:52 »
hacki's autobuilds CHDK Download - build 0.5.1, revision #511 (mentioned in the first post ;)) should have the latest juciphox (now trunk).

IMO there still needs to be a fast moving experimental build and a more stable build. How exactly this will be done appears  TBD ;)

merged old-trunk 491:502. russian.lng not updated, since it is very out of date in this tree already.
batch-zip builds, and it boots on my camera, but otherwise pretty much untested.
« Last Edit: 15 / September / 2008, 21:04:44 by reyalp »
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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #22 on: 15 / September / 2008, 21:45:27 »
CHDK 2.0 - now there is an idea.  Combining development efforts to expand the feature set should help push additional innovation and expand the use of CHDK.   Now if we can get CHDK on the G9.....


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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #23 on: 16 / September / 2008, 03:15:12 »
Thx reyalp.
Of course there will be dev branches. But i suggest putting HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL stuff there only,ie things that possibly can either harm the cam or the data on the sdcard. Reason: well,with the new version numbers AND the expanded zips AND autogenerated readmes we can easily flag a version stable or unstable. Plus, i would continue allbests 'habit' of creating a release thread once in a while,though we should do that more often.
This way people (users and devs) have to use only one repo/autobuildserver. With all the readmes and versioninfo in the zips provided people have no excuse anymore to a) ask about what was changed between versions and b) complain about untested or prolly unstable features (since we didnt tag it a release) and so on.
So i suggest working on the trunk as often as possible.
Btw reyalp perhaps you find out a way to have the version.txt automatically updated with the commit comment? I know there are special svn markers,but i didnt find out how to implement properly (i think i had it so that on each checkout/export you only found the last commit comment in the version.txt,instead of the whole enchilada,err changelog).
We are one step nearer towards a 'professional' oss project. We are still lacking a decent bugtracker though.

Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #24 on: 16 / September / 2008, 05:52:51 »
is a good idea ;)

On this project there is a possibility for A590 owner ?

many TNX Zava


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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #25 on: 16 / September / 2008, 08:54:13 »
...But besides from that, I noticed a lot of file in juci changed to dos linestyle :( I vote for running a tool on all source files to convert to the same linestyle\n !!! "git mergetool" runs crazy on that.

Chris, do you mean the EOL (End-Of-Line) style, the Windows-like CR + LF ?

Quote from: the latest GIT installer
  Important Compatibility Notice
  With Git 1.5.5, the default for core.autocrlf changes to "true". This means that Git converts line endings to CRLF (Windows line endings)
  in your work tree and  to LF (Unix line endings) in the repository. This is the right choice for cross-platform projects.
  If you wish to keep the old behavior, you can run  git config --global core.autocrlf false  for the user accounts that shall
  use the old default; or you can set the system-wide default by editing "etc/gitconfig" in the installation directory.

Now i'm somewhat confused...
Me too.
Does this mean that when working under Windows the local files with CR+LF (it's not so easy to avoid this with "standard" windows tools) will be "corrected" automatically on merging ?

What about the diff-files - will they be treated correct in all situations ?

I do confess I haven't looked how git handles that and what's now the best practise.
I notice: Via "git-svn clone" I got the files as they are: LF or CR+LF
My $EDITOR (vim) simply keeps eol but
when trunk was exchanged with juci, some files changed eol. So while merging the new trunk to my hacks, I have become pissed on that. But resolving the conflicts is not git's job its about using vimdiff .... found out that all it needs is
:set diffopt=filler,iwhite

So using "git diff svn/trunk-old svn/juciphox" needs the -w option and the resulting output has the correct eol.

line endings in svn have a beer and wait ;)


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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #26 on: 22 / September / 2008, 22:06:49 »
The wiki needs a major update to reflect the new trunk. The allbest and morebest docs should be merged, and should be the main page for the various topics. E.g. UBASIC/TutorialScratchpad - CHDK Wiki should describe the current trunk, not the pre-allbest trunk with links to allbest (and no mention of the new features beyond allbest)

We should also remove (or move to their own pages) the descriptions of older versions. Most users don't need to know what build 116 and earlier did differently.

To make things worse, when I tried to edit the top section of CHDK/MoreBest - CHDK Wiki my edits were refused by the spam filter (big big big ? I assume because the page is too big, even though I tried to make it smaller ?)
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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #27 on: 23 / September / 2008, 13:13:18 »
To make things worse, when I tried to edit the top section of CHDK/MoreBest - CHDK Wiki my edits were refused by the spam filter (big big big ? I assume because the page is too big, even though I tried to make it smaller ?)

Were you logged in? I don't know much about wikia, but I hope it has stricter filters for anonymous edits, especially for those trying to delete or create lots of text.

Anyway you're right the wiki needs work, as it always has. Stuff about ancient builds doesn't need to be trashed totally, just hidden to a dark corner somewhere as it may have some historical value one day...


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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #28 on: 23 / September / 2008, 13:43:09 »
...when I tried to edit the top section of CHDK/MoreBest - CHDK Wiki my edits were refused by the spam filter (big big big ? I assume because the page is too big, even though I tried to make it smaller ?)

The wikia spam filter don't eat multiple (normally more then 2 or 3) <big> statements, often an attribute for spam like <big><big><big>Buy VlaQrA</big></big></big>, regardless whether you're logged in or not  ;)

The page size doesn't matter in this case, you'll get a little warning if the page is bigger than ~64 KB or so, but with actual browsers it works ok. (I've made some "big" pages, e.g. German/HandbuchJuciphox or the wikia version of graystar's End-Users-Guide-AllBest50)...

Do somebody have a suggestion for the "new" Name ? - CHDK TNG (The Next Generation) Guide  or something like that ?
As fudgey mentioned, the old docu should be bunched in an own place, many users are working still with Allbest 50 or older pre-xx versions...

For the new thing we can use the "MoreBest" page in combination with the End-Users-Guide-AllBest50 as a fundament...


Offline reyalp

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Re: Allbest + JuciPhoX = CHDK (the merge thread) - info for devs and users
« Reply #29 on: 23 / September / 2008, 16:44:46 »
The wikia spam filter don't eat multiple (normally more then 2 or 3) <big> statements, often an attribute for spam like <big><big><big>Buy VlaQrA</big></big></big>, regardless whether you're logged in or not  ;)
Ah thanks, I didn't see that string in the page (and certainly didn't try to add it), but then it's rather big :D

As far as name, if this is the trunk it should just be called CHDK, and so in theory it should replace CHDK firmware usage - CHDK Wiki (which would be moved CHDK_firmware_usage/grands_builds or something).

However, there isn't a clear development/release strategy for the trunk, and it's is a moving target as far as features go. Since there isn't an official stable release of the new trunk, maybe it should be CHDK_unstable or development. At some point when we do have a stable release (i'd call it 0.6 since the current builds are 0.5.x), that would become the official version.

Final thought: the combined guide should probably be broken up into several pages. Both the allbest and "morebest" pages are already quite large.
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