Thx reyalp.
Of course there will be dev branches. But i suggest putting HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL stuff there only,ie things that possibly can either harm the cam or the data on the sdcard. Reason: well,with the new version numbers AND the expanded zips AND autogenerated readmes we can easily flag a version stable or unstable. Plus, i would continue allbests 'habit' of creating a release thread once in a while,though we should do that more often.
This way people (users and devs) have to use only one repo/autobuildserver. With all the readmes and versioninfo in the zips provided people have no excuse anymore to a) ask about what was changed between versions and b) complain about untested or prolly unstable features (since we didnt tag it a release) and so on.
So i suggest working on the trunk as often as possible.
Btw reyalp perhaps you find out a way to have the version.txt automatically updated with the commit comment? I know there are special svn markers,but i didnt find out how to implement properly (i think i had it so that on each checkout/export you only found the last commit comment in the version.txt,instead of the whole enchilada,err changelog).
We are one step nearer towards a 'professional' oss project. We are still lacking a decent bugtracker though.