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A550 Porting...

  • 95 Replies
Re: A550 Porting...need help
« Reply #40 on: 31 / January / 2008, 05:58:15 »
Thanks for the source code, I compiled it and it works ;)

I haven't found any bug, raw pictures are good, and all the menus seems working correctly.
I don't have much time nor much experience, but I'd like to contribute. Now I'm just looking at the source code to try understanding how it works.

Re: A550 Porting...need help
« Reply #41 on: 01 / February / 2008, 08:07:35 »
When making chdk load automatically you need to press 2x fast on/off button or replay button. Either way, camera starts in playback mode.

Dof calculator ...i always get S/R1/R2: inf/inf/inf


Offline Dapjazz

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Re: A550 Porting...need help
« Reply #42 on: 02 / February / 2008, 07:00:58 »
At last! a550 working chdk! I've tested, it works ok, great job!!

but I have some questions:

1. I can't work the raw files taken by this model.. no software recognize it (acdsee pro, DNG4PS-2...)  :( any advices?

2. Can't use the pc remote shooting.. cam4you doesn't detect the camera.. How can I use my pc to take pictures directly to hard drive?


Re: A550 Porting...need help
« Reply #43 on: 02 / February / 2008, 09:47:58 »
I'm using DNG for Powershot with EXIFTool. I end up with a .DNG file I can edit with Photoshop.

Re: !!Release Date!!
« Reply #44 on: 02 / February / 2008, 15:52:55 »
The time is come!!  :D

Some changes from my last update:

1- The CHDK Porting now run!  :)
2- Modified capt_seq.c with correct fuction take by IDA.
3. The same with movie_rec.c, now work video recording with quality or bitrate variable (i think).
4- Property case are equal to a560/a570...I'll verify several.
5- Keymap it's ok...based on a540.
6- Modemap is 'working in progress', now it's copied form a560. Modified mode_get() in main.c...
8- Others don't remember.
7- Fixed some small bugs.


...now enjoy with your new chdk features: CHDK for a550.rar - 0.19MB

Could you please post the instructions please???


Offline muttley

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Re: A550 Porting...need help
« Reply #45 on: 02 / February / 2008, 16:24:25 »
Instruction for what?!

if you intend, INSTALL instruction   :blink: ...read this http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ   ???

Re: A550 Porting...need help
« Reply #46 on: 03 / February / 2008, 06:54:11 »
Instruction for what?!

if you intend, INSTALL instruction   :blink: ...read this http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/FAQ   ???

Hi, I've installed the firmware. The thing is thar I tries to make the firmware bootable but after locking the SD card it doesn't get on (if I retire the SD or unlock the SD it works as usual with the official firmware).

Could anybody help me?


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Re: A550 Porting...status: bugs hunters
« Reply #47 on: 03 / February / 2008, 14:08:39 »
hucht, the firmware is in beta...You have a problem that we know, and we are working to resolve!
...if you want help us, download also the source!

p.s. read old post...

Last Update:

- Dof calculator solved!  :D

I know is it few...but I' don't have time (and help)  :(

for denvelopers:

The problem was GetFocusLensSubjectDistance bad address, update stubs_entry_2.s...

but I'm confused... :blink:

well, i have found correct address: 0xFFE43B08

and see that function GetCurrentTargetDistance is:

STR     LR, [SP,#-4]!
BL      sub_FFE43B08   <-- call to GetFocusLensSubjectDistance
MOV     R0, R0,LSL#16
MOV     R0, R0,LSR#16
LDR     PC, [SP],#4

mhhhh....what are the difference by GetFocusLensSubjectDistance and GetCurrentTargetDistance??
I think GetCurrentTargetDistance call only GetFocusLensSubjectDistance! is it true?!

I had verified also with other firmware (ex. a610) and is the same!  :blink:

i test in debug and for my cam GetCurrentTargetDistance result = GetFocusLensSubjectDistance result!

hi guys!

Re: A550 Porting...status: bugs hunters
« Reply #48 on: 03 / February / 2008, 15:29:14 »
hucht, the firmware is in beta...You have a problem that we know, and we are working to resolve!
...if you want help us, download also the source!

p.s. read old post...

Last Update:

- Dof calculator solved!  :D

I know is it few...but I' don't have time (and help)  :(

for denvelopers:

The problem was GetFocusLensSubjectDistance bad address, update stubs_entry_2.s...

but I'm confused... :blink:

well, i have found correct address: 0xFFE43B08

and see that function GetCurrentTargetDistance is:

STR     LR, [SP,#-4]!
BL      sub_FFE43B08   <-- call to GetFocusLensSubjectDistance
MOV     R0, R0,LSL#16
MOV     R0, R0,LSR#16
LDR     PC, [SP],#4

mhhhh....what are the difference by GetFocusLensSubjectDistance and GetCurrentTargetDistance??
I think GetCurrentTargetDistance call only GetFocusLensSubjectDistance! is it true?!

I had verified also with other firmware (ex. a610) and is the same!  :blink:

i test in debug and for my cam GetCurrentTargetDistance result = GetFocusLensSubjectDistance result!

hi guys!

I have solved the problem of the SD card (1GB kingston). I formated it with 64kb as allocated unit size and it works (I hope it would helps to anybody). Also I have a question... Is there any script for have a screenshot of the camara's screen?


Offline muttley

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Re: A550 Porting...status: bugs hunters
« Reply #49 on: 03 / February / 2008, 15:58:39 »
ahaha...good work!

i thought that boot problem was another bug!  :haha

it's enough read FAQ:

Note2: 4 GB cards can support the autoload feature if they are formated in FAT16 manually. To format SD-card in Windows command line just type 'format X: /fs:fat' (where X: - a drive letter of mounted SD-card). But be aware that the formatting of 4 GB cards in FAT16 leads to non-standard 64K cluster size. The correct support of such cluster size is not guaranteed.

thank hucht!

for the LCD screenshot...i don't know, i'm sorry!

why have you need this features?!


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