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DryOS - some success

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Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #140 on: 18 / January / 2008, 19:45:22 »
Does anyone have official PS.FI2 for any model? Learning its structure may help a lot.

Only cams running DryOS use the FI2 files and as far as I know there's not been firmware updates published for any of the DryOS cams yet.

3. WxW models have a special ("Factory") mode. Nobody can reach it yet (there are some clues saing that we need a special shaped SD-card for accessing the factory mode). Nethertheless, according of FW-dumps, inside factory mode we can run our scripts (files named like "A/*.m"). Actually, we have no prove of it yet, but probably these scripts are encrypted too, and probably the encrypting scheme and the key are the same as above.

At a720 I found factory mode functions, and they almost indentical to WxW models'.
There are:
0xFFC55570 FactoryMode_m_Execute
0xFFAD05A0 ShowScript
0xFFAD0ADC FactoryMode_m_ParseScript

That could potentially be interesting.

There is an interesting function (I called it "FIRhandler") at 0xFFE2CB20.
It calls from itself another function -- Compander_inner (0xFFD0E410) -- it's inner function of some kind of packer/depacker (Compander, 0xFFD0E4E8). The Compander itself is called from some other places.

Compander_inner function contains interesting string "1.1.3.LZC.1.0.1" -- so, we can thing about LZC compressing method (from UNIX COMPRESS, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compress ).

I saw that too, I assumed that that is related to firmware upgrades

5. At least, since we can run our code from diskboot, we can install some kind of tracer/debugger and try to investigate what happens then we select "Update Firmware" from menu -- this is the way to found and understand all checks of FW-update integrity.

The hex dump code in DG's sources might be useful for that.

Am i too late? :)

Given that we can run code out of diskboot (and that's how the DryOS port works currently) the firmware update stuff is not really an issue, feel free to continue investigating it though, if somebody figures out the crypto (which if I had to take a blind guess I'd say is quite probably an updated version of the crypto used in the VxWorks cams) they use in DryOS it may help people with the DSLR port attempts which are going on (the first hurdle of which is getting code to run, the second is Reversing the crypto they use)


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Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #141 on: 19 / January / 2008, 04:14:29 »
Yeah, about that... I did a slight bit of investigation. The hexdump revealed that the FI2-file's filename will be loaded (sprintf) into 0x57E8C as soon as the menu button is pressed (well, as soon as the camera enters it's menu, so it can determine whether or not to list the 'Firm update' entry). That specific address is referenced 5 times in the whole disassembly. I found the call to Open() in something which looks like only a part of a subroutine (no clear references to, no real start and no real end), at 0xFF9AE2C4 in the S5 1.01b firmware. From there on, I see some memory addresses being referenced, but they look like tables with pointers or even stacks. I haven't thoroughly investigated everything in there, I don't really know what it does yet. I do think we can assume that the update file format is a new one, the new extension and OS point in that direction.


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Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #142 on: 21 / January / 2008, 06:49:37 »
How's it going with the A720?  It sounds like the CHDK port is finished, and running it on the camera still depends on figuring out DryOS?

I'm not sure what this means:

yesterday I tested the port on my camera

it works great

Let me know if I can help test anything.

Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #143 on: 21 / January / 2008, 09:43:14 »
How's it going with the A720?  It sounds like the CHDK port is finished, and running it on the camera still depends on figuring out DryOS?

I'm not sure what this means:

yesterday I tested the port on my camera

it works great

Let me know if I can help test anything.

in short:

1. make your sd bootable (check the wiki)
2. grab the allbest build from page 7 (or 8 ) from this thread
3. put diskboot.bin in the root of your SD
4. put the sd lock switch ON
5. that's it!

Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #144 on: 21 / January / 2008, 11:33:47 »
It seems work fine but the alternative menu only shows me the script menu. Do I make a mistake ?
Thanks to all of you. :)


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Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #145 on: 21 / January / 2008, 12:11:53 »
It seems work fine but the alternative menu only shows me the script menu. Do I make a mistake ?

Maybe you press "set" button instead of "menu"?

Latest Allbest build for a720 here - http://malbe.nm.ru/chdk/allbest-a720-100c-16.zip
Also small program, which makes SD card bootable (for WinXP/2000) - http://ewavr.nm.ru/hdk/bootable.zip

Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #146 on: 21 / January / 2008, 13:18:49 »
Indeed. Works perfectly. Thanks

Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #147 on: 21 / January / 2008, 19:55:21 »
It seems work fine but the alternative menu only shows me the script menu. Do I make a mistake ?

Maybe you press "set" button instead of "menu"?

Latest Allbest build for a720 here - http://malbe.nm.ru/chdk/allbest-a720-100c-16.zip
Also small program, which makes SD card bootable (for WinXP/2000) - http://ewavr.nm.ru/hdk/bootable.zip

What does mean? i did not understand nothing  :'(

These steps to make bootable the sd and more is to get the chdk into the camera or what??     how do i make bootable my sd? i dont know use that program..


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Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #148 on: 22 / January / 2008, 04:09:59 »
Thanks a lot totriz for the explanation, and ewavr for the binary and that program to make an SD bootable.

I'll get one of those cheap USB card reader/writers in a few days, and I'll be able to try this out.

Now what I'm wondering, is if DryOS (or a camera script) will load the binary into memory, or if it needs to keep reading from it on the card.  I'm only guessing that it would be able to store 131 KB, and forget about the .bin on the card.  So I had the idea to use the included 16 MB card for this, let it load, and then swap it out for my real card.  The thing with the A720 is that the memory card is under the battery door, although I don't think that would be a problem for me.  I figure I would get the most use out of the features that would require it to be on AC power anyway.  So I could just let it load and swap it out whenever I wanted to use the CHDK features.  If this plan doesn't work, and if it does work to make my "data" card bootable to use this and still use it for capture, that would be fine.  It would just be nice to keep the program and data separate :)


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Re: DryOS - some success
« Reply #149 on: 22 / January / 2008, 06:58:53 »
whenever I wanted to use the CHDK features.  If this plan doesn't work, and if it does work to make my "data" card bootable to use this and still use it for capture, that would be fine.  It would just be nice to keep the program and data separate :)

It is significantly easier to just run CHDK from your "data" card, it's only ~130kB and with the prices of SD cards these days personally I consider that no great loss (I got a high-speed 2GB card with my cam for $AU24 ;o) ). The write lock on the card gets overridden in software so your cam will behave as normal (with the CHDK extensions).

Also I'm not sure if the cams will run even on AC if the battery door is open.


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