hello! thank you for the update! i tested the aperture override, and it seems although i set it to F/16, the camera displays F/8 when i am in manual mode, and when i hold half shutter, it says F/11, so i'm guessing F/11 is the highest it will go?
also say i'm in Av or Tv mode, will it compensate the aperture/shutter speed for the override i use?
ex: in Av mode i set the aperture to F/11, will it compensate the shutter speed for the chdk over-ridden setting of F/11?
or ex: in Tv mode, i set the shutter speed to 1/1000, will it compensate the aperture for it? (this ofcourse being on like a bright sunny day or some high-light situation).
also can someone please explain what the 'Disable Overrides' setting does? and also what the 'Enable Fast Ev switch?' settings are?
i like the new menu setup with the pictures. good job! =D
are you going to get your own forum build section like allbest and all the other builds have? (this seems to look exactly like allbests' build, are you guys working together on this or something?)
also, i set it to enable the startup sound when it loads the firmware, but i still don't hear the sound, maybe this is a bug?
keep it up man! thanks so much! =D