A590IS porting... - page 44 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A590IS porting...

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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #430 on: 27 / November / 2008, 11:54:33 »
I'd like to than everyone for the hints and tips about battery life!

- Use NiMH, get a matched pair of batteries and use a good quality charger
- Reset battery limits (low one, at least)
- Switch to Play instead of Record when fiddling with settings etc.

Greetings guys and gals


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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #431 on: 29 / November / 2008, 13:49:45 »

I'm found a problem. In picture review mode + half press shutter button, zebra not correct. not correlated with the actual image. The zebra blinking, but only random pixels, and lines, not on the overexposed region. I am tested with 0.8.5 autobuild.  In record mode, the zebra is ok.

Another things, but i am don't understand. Play mode, zebra on or off, histogram is differ, or no.
In canon a720 show a correct histogram, and when zoomed small region, shown the local histogram, for the small picture area. In a590 full screen histogram ok, local histogram sometimes equal the full histogram, sometimes show the local histogram. This is a bug, or how to set it, to show correct local histogram?

thanks, and sorry my english is bad


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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #432 on: 30 / November / 2008, 16:10:01 »
i downloaded the latest autobuild version (0.8.7) and i can't seem to find the whole DNG thing thats described in the version.txt file (first implemented in version 0.8.2).

also optical zoom in video mode does not work.

and can someone please explain the whole bitrate / quality thing to me? does it actually work yet?

also can someone provide a better explanation of the whole curves thing? the faq/wiki didn't give much help =/


also still waiting for dark frame subtraction to work (ability to turn it off).

@ mngc:
i do not have this problem with the zebra not working that you have. make sure that you have the latest autobuild build!

also could we please get our own forum section for the a590 building? its getting a bit confusing having it compressed in one thread -_-
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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #433 on: 30 / November / 2008, 17:13:19 »
also i noticed when running some of the test scrips, the camera randomly crashes.
one example, in the lotto program, if you hit menu for some reason it crashes.
also some of the scripts don't even work, some giving errors, and some just crashing the camera.

and when i try to use the script someone wrote in lua for a custom Tv mode, i can load the script and start it fine, but when i try to change any of the settings the camera crashes.

i hope these errors help!!
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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #434 on: 30 / November / 2008, 17:20:03 »
also for the remote, i constructed a remote for my old sd1000, i just used a 9v battery with a button on the positive side.

someone told me i could fry my camera using 9v? is this true? i tested it and it works fine with my a590is, just as it worked with my old sd1000.

if it was going to fry it wouldn't it have done it the second i tried it the first time? or will it do it over time?

usb devices and computers use 5v on the usb port, is 9v really that much more?

would it be possible to construct a remote that has a flip switch for burst pictures? or would it be bad for the camera to constantly send voltage through the usb cord to the camera?

or is it just a better idea to use like a intervalometer script? (isn't that what they're used for?)
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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #435 on: 30 / November / 2008, 17:42:37 »
good news! i tested the Motion detection script in the thread "Fast MD with burst/preview mode", and it works awesome!

heres a link to the post containing the version i used:
Fast MD with burst/preview mode

i just loaded it and tested it with the stock settings and the reaction time is pretty fast!

heres a test i did, in P mode, flash off, ISO1600 (for a faster shutter speed), and i just tossed my slipper infront of the camera.

i haven't tweaked with it much, but it looks like it could be promising for lightning photography! unfortunately its winter now lol, no storms =/

also startup sound still does not work =/
« Last Edit: 30 / November / 2008, 17:52:38 by Coutts »
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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #436 on: 30 / November / 2008, 18:56:22 »
i tested the intervalometer script on the wiki (on the lua page) and it works! sweet!

some lua scripts don't work though, like the metronome one (it just crashes the camera).

heres my dump from doing the lua test:

Code: [Select]
test log opened
platform: a590 101b
version: CHDK 0.8.7-607 built on Nov 30 2008 11:52:38
os: dryos platformid: 3176
***test io***
file info for io.input: closed file!
file info for io.output: valid file
 ptr: 2078560 fd: 3 len: 217 pos: 217
 raw vals: 0:3 4:217 8:1 12:217 16:1 20:1 24:270608392 28:0 32:1819029313
io.open("A/iotest0.txt","w+b"): OK PASS
A/iotest0.txt:write(...): OK PASS
A/iotest0.txt:seek("set",4): OK 4 PASS
A/iotest0.txt:read(5): string [slick]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 9 PASS
A/iotest0.txt:seek("cur",-5): OK 4 PASS
A/iotest0.txt:write(...): OK PASS
A/iotest0.txt:seek("end",nil): OK 44 PASS
A/iotest0.txt:write(...): OK PASS
A/iotest0.txt:flush(): OK PASS
A/iotest0.txt:seek("set",nil): OK 0 PASS
test file:lines()
0: [the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog]
1: [1]
2: [2a   3 1234567890       b]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("set",nil): OK 0 PASS
A/iotest0.txt:write(...): OK PASS
A/iotest0.txt:seek("set",nil): OK 0 PASS
test file:read("*a")
A/iotest0.txt:read(*a): string [                                           
2a   3 1234567890       b]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("set",nil): OK 0 PASS
testing file:read("*n")
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): number [1]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 45 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): number [2]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 47 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): <no results>
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 47 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(1): string [a]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 48 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): number [3]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 52 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): number [1234567890]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 63 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): <no results>
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 70 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(1): string [b]
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 71 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(*n): <no results>
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 71 NA
A/iotest0.txt:read(1): <no results>
A/iotest0.txt:seek("nil",nil): OK 71 NA
A/iotest0.txt:close(): OK PASS
test open missing file
io.open("A/bogus","r"): ERR msg=A/bogus: error PASS
test open dir
io.open("A/CHDK","r"): ERR msg=A/CHDK: error PASS
io.open("A/iotest0.txt","r"): OK PASS
test invalid seeks
A/iotest0.txt:seek("set",-1): ERR nil PASS
A/iotest0.txt:seek("end",100): ERR nil PASS
A/iotest0.txt:close(): OK PASS
***end io OK***

***test os***
current date Sun Nov 30 18:49:51 2008
os.time(): OK 1228070991 PASS
os.time({day=1,year=1980,month=1,}): OK 315576000 PASS
os.time({day=1,year=1066,month=1,}): ERR PASS
%a [Sun]
%A [Sunday]
%b [Nov]
%B [November]
%c [Sun Nov 30 18:49:51 2008]
%d [30]
%H [18]
%I [06]
%j [335]
%m [11]
%M [49]
%p [PM]
%S [51]
%U [48]
%w [0]
%W [47]
%x [11/30/08]
%X [18:49:51]
%y [08]
%Y [2008]
%Z [%Z]
%% [%]
os.mkdir("A/MDTST0"): OK PASS
io.open("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT","wb"): OK PASS
A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT:write(...): OK PASS
os.stat("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT"): OK PASS
os.utime("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT",nil,nil): OK PASS
os.stat("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT"): OK PASS
os.utime("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT",441806400,472824000): OK PASS
os.stat("A/MDTST0/TEST0.DAT"): OK PASS
os.stat("A/MDTST0"): OK PASS
os.listdir("A/MDTST0",nil): OK PASS
os.listdir("A/MDTST0",true): OK PASS
os.remove("A/MDTST0): ERR A/MDTST0: error PASS
os.remove("A/bogus): ERR A/bogus: error PASS
os.listdir("A/bogus",nil): ERR A/bogus: error PASS
os.listdir("A/llibtst.log",nil): OK NA
os.stat("A/bogus"): ERR A/bogus: error PASS
os.utime("A/bogus",nil,nil): ERR A/bogus: error PASS
os.rename("A/bogus","A/blah): ERR A/bogus: error PASS
os.mkdir("A/CHDK"): ERR A/CHDK: error PASS
os.remove("A/MDTST0/TEST1.DAT): OK PASS
os.remove("A/MDTST0): OK PASS
os.remove("A/iotest0.txt): OK NA
***end os OK***

***test string***
string.byte("test",2): OK 101 PASS
string.char(116,101,115,116): OK test PASS
dump/load: OK test123 PASS
string.find("test 1 2 3F!?","t%s(%d) 2 (%x%x%p%p)$"): ERR nil nil nil nil FAIL
string.format("%c %d %x %s",100,100,100,"test"): OK d 100 64 test PASS
string.len("\000test"): OK 5 PASS
string.lower("TESTtest"): OK testtest PASS
string.upper("TESTtest"): OK TESTTEST PASS
string.rep("test",2): OK testtest PASS
string.reverse("123"): OK 321 PASS
string.sub("test",-3): OK est PASS
***end string FAIL 1***

close test log

hopefully you guys can use this to fix some more bugs!!

lol i sure did do alot of testing today ha, mainly started experimenting with scripts.

all i can do now is just wait for you guys to look everything over, keep it up! you guys are doing great! thanks again for coming this far! =D
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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #437 on: 30 / November / 2008, 19:47:12 »
string lib error should be fixed in the next autobuild.

BTW, the stubs_entry.S checked in for a590 (both subs) doesn't match what is generated by the current sigs.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #438 on: 30 / November / 2008, 20:02:15 »
what exactly does that mean? -_-

also i have like 3 replys on the previous page, sorry lol
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Re: A590IS porting...
« Reply #439 on: 01 / December / 2008, 21:12:38 »
string lib error should be fixed in the next autobuild.

BTW, the stubs_entry.S checked in for a590 (both subs) doesn't match what is generated by the current sigs.

yeah, there definitly is something terribly gone wrong. unfortunately i dont find a working dump (need one for each firmware) to correct all this.


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