CRW to DNG (Color Calibration) - SD1100 IS / IXUS 80 - RAW Shooting and Processing - CHDK Forum

CRW to DNG (Color Calibration) - SD1100 IS / IXUS 80

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CRW to DNG (Color Calibration) - SD1100 IS / IXUS 80
« on: 07 / October / 2008, 20:54:13 »
So. I've managed to get CHDK installed on my new SD1100 and I'm very pleased with how it operates thus far. However, I'm having a bit of difficulty with the whole conversion thing.

The color profiles built into DNG4PS-2 0.2.3 Beta build 244 just don't cut it. (Running a virtual machine with XP from Leopard 10.5.5) Things are showing up quite orange (say a skin tone). I can correct it in Aperture, but I'm curious if anyone has managed to get things a little better in the actual conversion process.

Oh, and if anyone's curious... Aperture 2.1.1 wouldn't read the DNG files until I did the CameraRaw.bundle thing found on an earlier post.,2353.0.html


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