s-series - enable flash during video recording for still images (in trunk now!) - page 4 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

s-series - enable flash during video recording for still images (in trunk now!)

  • 38 Replies

Offline PhyrePhoX

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will take a look at it.


Offline PhyrePhoX

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hm, it cant be the propcase 122, because it is the same on the tx1 (and i am assuming this feature is working on tx1, as we didnt have complaints about that).

i wonder if flash works with the hotshoe as well. 

i tried using both the internal camera flash and an external flash and no flash fired during the video.  i have a question, does your fudgey lightning script cause your s3 to crash after flash is used?  your video shows that you are either 1) using fudgey's lightning script to take fast shots of the orange dropped into the tub, or a custom function with MD.



Offline PhyrePhoX

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    • PhyreWorX
for now we should concentrate on the on camera flash, no hotshoe. also we should concentrate on straigt shooting pictures - no motion detection script.

startup cam in P mode. pop up flash. in chdk settings, enable flash override, power to lowest setting - 0 - start video. now press shutter. it does NOT take a flash picture?

startup cam in P mode. pop up flash. in chdk settings, enable flash override, power to lowest setting - 0 - start video. now press shutter. it does NOT take a flash picture?

i enabled flash for the video in p mode and followed all the instructions.  the camera does not take a flash picture.  i even precharged the flash by popping it up with a half press shutter, switched to movie mode, then took a shot.  nada.

i also tried enabling the first override feature in the chdk menu, although i think that was for shutter.

so still have nothing.  =(

PhyrePhoX:  The feature works fine on the TX1. great job.
BTW is Petheads  Timestamp still on the to do list, I hope?

 Thanks;  George

any word on the flash during video recording? 


Offline PhyrePhoX

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dataghost is having a go at it right now, but we seem not to be able to tackle the problem.

thanks for the update


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