the sx10 porting thread - page 36 - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

the sx10 porting thread

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Offline fe50

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Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #350 on: 13 / June / 2009, 06:50:17 »
I have tried most of the programs named in the two links above, but they don't recognize the files, something must be wrong, i just don't know what.
You should enable the CHDK DNG support, then your cam will produce ready-to-use DNG RAW files: -> guidance (if the .DNG filename extension is enabled, you probably can't transfer the files with the USB connection, use a card reader to transfer the .DNG files).

Most apps can't (yet) work with the 12bit CHDK RAW's directly; to open/convert this RAW files you need a software which supports them, e.g. DCRAW since version 8.94.

So you can convert the CRW's / CR2's to the PPM format with DCRAW, most apps like PS, XNView etc. supports the PPM format.

If you're working with MS Windows, you'll find compiled binaries here:

The latest UFRaw version 0.15 don't support the new RAWs since it is based on DCRAW 8.89 - but i guess within some weeks there will be a new UFRaw version available, then we could open the new CRW's directly in GIMP with an updated UFRaw plugin...


Offline GAJoe

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Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #351 on: 13 / June / 2009, 08:38:42 »
Any one able to use the "remote enable" to get the homemade USB remote cable to trigger the shutter?
What voltage battery?

I checked with fe50 who said the one I made for my S5 IS should work. I tried it and it works great.
Thanks fe50

Here's a link for making one (I used a 3 AAA battery holder, 3 AAA's works):
DIY S5 IS Remote Shutter
« Last Edit: 13 / June / 2009, 08:59:32 by GAJoe »

Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #352 on: 14 / June / 2009, 00:01:54 »
I just gave nimrod's 1.01b firmware a try from post #331 above.  I'm totally new to CHDK so probably did something wrong.

Based on reyalp's post regarding the missing FI2 file I went straight to trying to get the DISKBOOT.BIN to load.  I'm on linux, so I found these instructions ( ) and followed them step by step.  When I put the card in and fire up with either the playback button or the regular on/off button the camera complains about "Card Locked!" and there's no noticeable evidence of CHDK..  When I unlock the card the camera behaves as it always has (i.e. no CHDK).

I would now deduce that either
1. I did something wrong.
2. The instructions on the linked page are incorrect, incomplete, or won't work for the SX10is.
3. Nimrod's 1.01b build isn't working.
or 4. Some combination of 1-3.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #353 on: 14 / June / 2009, 00:19:23 »
Hey thank you guys for your reply: P


Offline reyalp

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Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #354 on: 14 / June / 2009, 01:13:13 »
I just gave nimrod's 1.01b firmware a try from post #331 above.  I'm totally new to CHDK so probably did something wrong.

Based on reyalp's post regarding the missing FI2 file I went straight to trying to get the DISKBOOT.BIN to load.  I'm on linux, so I found these instructions ( ) and followed them step by step.  When I put the card in and fire up with either the playback button or the regular on/off button the camera complains about "Card Locked!" and there's no noticeable evidence of CHDK..  When I unlock the card the camera behaves as it always has (i.e. no CHDK).

I would now deduce that either
1. I did something wrong.
2. The instructions on the linked page are incorrect, incomplete, or won't work for the SX10is.
3. Nimrod's 1.01b build isn't working.
or 4. Some combination of 1-3.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It sounds like the diskboot isn't being loaded at all. This usually means
1) the first partition on the card isn't FAT16 or FAT12
2) the BOOTDISK signature is not written correctly.

The instructions you followed look reasonable to me, but you might want to check what you've done against

Also note that if you 2GB or smaller card, you shouldn't need to format or partition it. Just set the BOOTDISK string, copy DISKBOOT.BIN, lock, and away you go.

ISTR someone else reported that the 101b build crashes immediately.

Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #355 on: 14 / June / 2009, 12:44:06 »

It sounds like the diskboot isn't being loaded at all. This usually means
1) the first partition on the card isn't FAT16 or FAT12
2) the BOOTDISK signature is not written correctly.

The instructions you followed look reasonable to me, but you might want to check what you've done against

Also note that if you 2GB or smaller card, you shouldn't need to format or partition it. Just set the BOOTDISK string, copy DISKBOOT.BIN, lock, and away you go.

ISTR someone else reported that the 101b build crashes immediately.


It's a 8GB card.

I blew away the partition I created yesterday and created a new one following the Ubuntu instructions on the page you linked to, since they included one extra step (setting the boot flag in gparted) and writing the BOOTDISK string a different way that's probably less prone to user error. However, there's no change in behavior... camera still complains about the card being locked. I think I understand that if CHDK were loading properly, this wouldn't be happening, correct?
« Last Edit: 14 / June / 2009, 12:46:11 by jsgarvin »

Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #356 on: 14 / June / 2009, 16:20:37 »
Have tried to boot the 1.01b on my camera without success. As I am new to this proceedure I will try again and report back.
Ok, here's a drop with a new totally untested 1.01b build that may just crash and die because absolutely nobody has even tried to boot it at this point:

There's also a new 1.02b candidate build at that URL that has the FlashParamsTable definition in stubs_min.S  fixed (well, I hope so). [BTW, I just realized that I built these images without the games, so hopefully you won't be too devastated about that.]

The patch applied to 1.02b is very simple. Here's the diff:

Code: [Select]
< DEF(FlashParamsTable,0xFFB7455C)
> DEF(FlashParamsTable,0xFFB746B4)
This is patched against svn vers 774.
I think that the only things that this misdefinition really breaks are a debug display, and any lua scripts that try to use get_parameter_data().

I think this is all that needs to be updated in stubs_min.S. If not, let me know and give me some hint as to how to update the rest of it since the addresses are so low that they'd have to be offsets from a register or something to make sense as something in the firmware.

Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #357 on: 14 / June / 2009, 20:50:57 »
For what it's worth, CHDK for my 1.02B SX10 is working well as far as I know (battery % and DNG output, at least, which is what I use the most). A big THANK YOU to the people who made it possible!!!
I hope users of 1.01B (and any other fw) will soon see something working for their SX10.


Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #358 on: 15 / June / 2009, 00:55:16 »
Have tried to boot the 1.01b on my camera without success. As I am new to this proceedure I will try again and report back.

Probably not your fault. I'm pretty sure I just missed some stuff that needs to be updated. That build was my first attempt at it without checking everything too carefully or having anything to test it on.

After going through the code with a fine-toothed comb again, I'll make another build and if that doesn't miraculously work then I'll probably have to get on IRC with someone who does have a 1.01b camera and see if a few iterations of debugging with some blinkey light debug code isolates whatever it was I missed.

(I thought about messing with it this weekend, but I was spending most of my time actually using my camera for taking photos....)

Re: the sx10 porting thread
« Reply #359 on: 16 / June / 2009, 00:43:54 »
Ok, there's another 101b build available here:

I made a typo in the initial boot procedure which would be why the thing crashed immediately. I checked all the stuff in stubs_entry.S and stubs_entry_2.S and it looks like those are good (I hadn't checked the autogenerated stubs last time), but I didn't finish rechecking the whole boot procedure or other stuff.

So there's a good chance that this one will die also, but since I'm done for the night I figured I'd upload what I have in order to get someone to check it out on a real camera just to see what happens.

Oh, and there's an FI2 file this time which should make things a little easier for testing.


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