Worked great here, just tested it. Thanks!
Does it have to start at maximum zoom out? And can a user choice be put in to set the zoom speed? One of those "script parameter" things. Mine zooms so fast that the frame is a full blur in 1 second exposures. I can control how much zoom-blur is in the image by using shorter shutter speeds like .5 seconds or shorter.
Though I noticed that my camera will go wonky if I don't start out at full wide-angle first. That might be a problem others are having.
I wouldn't agree that this is "useless". It's a popular method from the manual-SLR days to add compositional focus to your subjects. Then everything went digital where this wasn't possible to do anymore. You'd trip the shutter then manually zoom your manual lens to get the effect. Some photo editors today, good ones, also include a filter to fake this effect. When done right, not overdone, with the right subject it can make for an interesting photo.