I tried what wind said, but aefdisk32 when i click the EXE it launch a windows and just close it after...
That's because it's a command line program, can't avoid reading the manual for those ...
typically, this type of program will just complain that you passed no parameters to them,
and then quit (when double-clicked). It's better to start them in a 'cmd window', here's how:
Go Start menu -> Run
type: "cmd /k {full path to aefdisk here}" (don't type the quotes)
example "cmd /k c:\aefdisk\aefdisk32.exe" (don't type the quotes)
the '/k' stands for 'keep' and makes sure the 'cmd window' stays open after the program quits.
now 'all' you need to do is figure out the parameters to pass to aefdisk, which, as I said, is
a question of manual reading. Take care, by the way, this kind of programs can wipe harddisks
before you can shout 'help'
hope that helps,