I used the BPW34, I wanted to dump via the serial port
turned out that it wasn't sensitive enough for that, it didn't register anything. I ordered a BPW21 which should arrive tuesday and I got quite bored yesterday. I decided to desolder it (I wasn't going to use it anyway) and while doing that I saw a pair of old, blown iPod earbuds, so I cut them apart. I put the diode across the mic terminals and I got some nice output
It wasn't anything compatible with adc, though, as you can see
here, so I rewrote that (and dec also, and I rewrote the camera-blinker while I was at it).
The reason that I exceeded 2GB was that my dump was doing a steady 400 bytes per second, so I was looking at roughly 6-7 hours. After about 5 and something, it stopped recording, I processed whatever I had by adc and dec, then dumped the rest from where it stopped and processed that too, giving me this nice file.
Anyway, you mentioned problems with 0xFF810000 on the wiki, what problems exactly? My firmware dump loads at 0xFF810000, generating proper code. My camera also reboots when I branch to that address, so I don't see where you're getting 0xFF800000 from. I think it'll only cause mixed-up code later on in the disassembly.