My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02) - page 2 - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02)

  • 14 Replies

Offline Joshatdot

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Re: My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02)
« Reply #10 on: 19 / January / 2009, 22:31:16 »
As for the battery issues, all NiMH lose their battery life over time.  NiMHs can lose 80% over 12 months.  On the other hand LSD NiMH (like Sanyo eneloop) retain 85% of their charge after 12 months.


Offline Joshatdot

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Re: My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02)
« Reply #11 on: 27 / February / 2009, 22:55:21 »
AFAIK, this works with AUTOBUILD CHDK releases.  Worked fine with 0.9.3-688 & 0.9.6-714 on my A570 & A720.

Re: My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02)
« Reply #12 on: 16 / March / 2009, 03:05:50 »

I don't have the problem of the 'delay 1st shot' being added to the time between each shot.

Great script, I have used it a lot in the 4 days that I've had this camera and CDHK. 

However, I noticed that the 64 second exposure makes the stars and clouds move too fast for my tastes, so I made a minor addition to your version, allowing the user to set the exposure length for their shots.

for a complete noob, (like i was 2 days ago) this addition is kinda complicated:

'-6' is 64 seconds
'-5' is 32 seconds
'-4' is 16 seconds
'0' is 1 second
'1' is 1/2 a second
'2' is 1/4 
'3' is 1/8...etc.

I would not recommend using my script unless you are familiar with Joshatdot's version, and the apex exposure system.

I have also changed some of the default values, and shortened some of the names of the options, so they will all fit on my screen. (yet another reason to be familiar with the original version before testing this one)

I have successfully used this on an SD1100 IS with firmware version 1.01b

Code: [Select]
rem modified by Kyle Clements to have customizable exposure length.
rem succesfully tested on an sd1100 1.01b
rem Author - Keoeeit
rem ReAuthor - Chuck
rem do not run for many hours or days

@title Non-stop Long Exp Timelapse
@param a Interval (Minutes)
@default a 0
@param b Interval (Seconds)
@default b 10
@param c Interval (10th Seconds)
@default c 0
@param d Initial Delay (Seconds)
@default d 3
@param e Noise reduc (0=auto 1=off 2=on)
@default e 1
@param f Raw Image (0 or 1)
@default f 0
@param g ISO (-1=hi,0=auto,1=80,..,5=800)
@default g -1
@param h Shutter TV slo(-6 to +10)fast
@default h -5


if t<100 then let t=5000

print "Intervalometer."
print "Shoots until you interrupt it."
print "Use with caution."

sleep d*1000
rem Display mode off
rem 181 Display mode (Valid for record mode only) 0 = Show info icons, 1 = Do not show info icons, 2 = LCD is off, 3 = EVF.
rem This didn't seem to work for the A560
set_prop 181 2

goto "shot"
  print "Shot number", n
  set_raw_nr e
  set_raw f
  set_iso g
  set_tv96_direct h
  sleep t
goto "shot"


Offline nio_7

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Re: My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02)
« Reply #13 on: 23 / April / 2009, 10:02:23 »
I am newbie, and i would like someone to explain to me how to shoot timelapses with my canon S5 using chdk. Which script do i need, where can i find it and how should i do it??



Offline nio_7

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Re: My tweaked Ultra Intervalometer (v1.02)
« Reply #14 on: 24 / April / 2009, 13:56:49 »
OK, i managed to make it work after a research..


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