Anyone planing to dump the A650IS firmware? Edit: Ok, Ok, I'll try it myself :D - Firmware Dumping - CHDK Forum

Anyone planing to dump the A650IS firmware? Edit: Ok, Ok, I'll try it myself :D

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Offline procopio

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Looks like jeff666 got DryOS on his hands now, so would be great to see A650IS dumped  :D
« Last Edit: 08 / January / 2008, 13:57:50 by procopio »


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Re: Anyone planing to dump the A650IS firmware?
« Reply #1 on: 08 / January / 2008, 13:07:47 »
Given the great number of replies I'll go and try to dump it myself  :D


Offline procopio

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Re: Anyone planing to dump the A650IS firmware?
« Reply #2 on: 08 / January / 2008, 13:32:13 »
Looks like I managed to port the blinker to the A650IS.
Can someone tell me if I'm missing something before I try to capture the data?

1) Followed the instructions from on how to compile CHDK from:

2) Downloaded the files tommi2water made available on:

3) Got the A650IS LED addresses from:

4) Modified the LED adress definitions on the S5IS blinker to:
 #define LED_AF 0xC02200C0
 #define LED_GR 0xC02200CC
 #define LED_OR 0xC02200C8
 #define LED_WR 0xC02200CC

5) Ran the Make.bat

6) Made the card bootable using the information on:

7) Locked the SD card

8 ) Turn on the camera

9) Watched the AF LED blinking like crazy and the write LED (green) blinking but not so fast

My modified files:
« Last Edit: 08 / January / 2008, 13:57:03 by procopio »


Offline tommi2water

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the write LED is blinking because of the frequently switching on and off of this LED. I added this to my blinker source to see if the routine is still working. It's just for information. Don't expect any data on this LED. ;)

More details on this can be found here:,282.0.html

You can comment it out (see lines 146-153 in main.c):
Code: [Select]
if (blkn % 2 == 0)

Or just delete these lines in your main.c.

Good luck!!!

Best regards,


Offline procopio

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I'm OK w/ the write led blinking.

So now what I got to do is hook it up to a photo diode (gotta find one) and use my sound card to record it, right?

Any idea how long it will take to blink the whole thing?

Is a fully charged battery pack enough, or should I hook the camera to an external power source?


Offline tommi2water

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Yes, you're right.

I've seen a nice short tutorial for photo diode here:

Maybe that can help you a bit?

DataGhost has written something about 5 or 6 hours dump duration in another thread. He finished the dumping before i was able to buy a photo diode. That's the reason why I never had to dump the firmware on my own and I don't know if the battery pack is enough.

It seems that you have to try it with the fully charged battery pack. Hopefully the dump has finished before batteries are discharged.  ;)

Best regards,


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Is a fully charged battery pack enough, or should I hook the camera to an external power source?
Four good rechargeable batteries are enough. The blinking process is not so power consumable (LCD is off, no motors working, etc.).
CHDK Developer.


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So I'm off to find a photodiode  ;)

Thanks for the tips guys!!

Com'on, procopio!
there's people who's waiting anxiously for use exciting CHDK on his A650IS  ::)
Find that fotodiode, boy! :-)
« Last Edit: 14 / January / 2008, 08:13:07 by franfred »


Offline procopio

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It will take me some days to gather patience and strength enough to go downtown and find one  :D
« Last Edit: 10 / January / 2008, 15:04:01 by procopio »


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