BadPixel.LUA Script does not work on IXUS40 1.00J build 9.8.766.
When starting the script the camera takes a picture, the LCD screen gets deactivated and the camera is obviously computing something for about 10-15sec since the DirectPrint Button is blinking. Then the camera just powers off without retracting the lens. Looks like it somehow crashes. Would be cool if this one would work on the IXUS40s too since my cam shows signifficantly more bad or dead pixels lately. Objously semi-conductors show some kind of aging anyway :-(
Hi careyer,
the badpixel.lua script creates just a "copy" of the badpixel list stored in the Canon firmware, only with the pixels that were already "bad" while manufacturing. This script an its result (the badpixel.bin file) is only used for the creation of DNG RAW images.
The badpixel.bin file can also be created with the "show_bad_b.exe" tool...
To remove "new" badpixels, you have to create a file "badpixel" with the coordinates of the pixels; with CHDK then (all) the badpixels will be "removed", in the JPEG files & also in the RAW / DNG files. The creation of this file is done by the "show_bad.exe" tool, a Windows command line app; if you're running another OS you should be able to compile the tool for your system (e.g. with gcc) - the source code is included in the download package.
For the possible CHDK settings have a look to
this post.
In the wikia you'll find some more informations about those two methods of badpixel removal, also the links to the tools...