Compiling Diablos code from source.
Here is what I have tried:
* install compiler as described in:, using the gcc 4.3.1-binutils 2.18 environment kit
* install svn: 'apt-get install subversion'
* download and uncompress Diablos source code. Diablo provided only the files he modified - thus his sources are incomplete and need to be restored (completed)
* use 'svn status -u' to find which revision Diablos files are
* run 'svn co chdk --revision 552' to get an unmodified version of the same revision. This created a directory called chdk in the current directory, and placed the files and sub directories in it.
* copy all of the files contained in the zip file into the same directories, thus applying Diablos edits
* one of the makefiles is messed up, and will corrupt the stubs_entry.S file. To fix this I ran: 'svn revert platform/' in the chdk diretory.
* to see only warnings and errors when compiling, I edited, uncomment 'SILENT=SILENT', this edit restored the files default.
* run 'make fir'. After a number of status messages and a few compiler warnings I got: '**** Firmware creation completed successfully'
However, my camera will not recognize the resulting DISKBOOT.BIN, and displays 'Card locked!'. I tested the SD card by placing a copy of the DISKBOOT.BIN on it that Diablo posted earlier in the treat, and it booted fine. Thus I believe the card is good and formatted correctly.
I would like to ask: Has anyone compiled Diablos code from source sucessfully?