A1000IS porting... - page 20 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

A1000IS porting...

  • 297 Replies
Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #190 on: 10 / November / 2009, 02:21:25 »
in the card tricks interface where you make the card bootable, i think it says that mem cards larger than 4 gb can't be made bootable.

i'm using an 8gb card myself but i put CHDK on the 32mb (right, MB) disk that came with the camera to play around with.

having used it a bit, i don't think it's something you're really gonna want autoloaded anyway.  there's no raw and the fact that there is no aperture control kinda limits what you can do with it... i guess the zebra stripes and histograph is kinda cool but again, the lack of control makes it less than useful.

my plan is to make CHDK manually bootable from the 8gb.


Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #191 on: 10 / November / 2009, 03:47:10 »

so has anyone been able to make an fi2 file properly using http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,2995.0.html ?

i've identified the a100is' PID as being 318E from the wiki entry http://chdk.wikia.com/wiki/A1000IS but no amount of futzing with the my.map or pack.bat results in a file that will properly load manually.

some folks earlier in this thread pointed peeps to the fi2 encoder... has ANYONE got this to work for the a1000is?



Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #192 on: 10 / November / 2009, 08:01:37 »

I've also been able to use a 32MB SD card with the DISKBOOT.BIN file found earlier in this thread.  Just no luck trying to boot off a 8GB card with a FAT 32MB partition.

I came to the same idea of booting manually.  Unfortunately, I was never able to create a fi2 file that worked.

My final attempt was setting up the CHDKShell environment and downloading source (found in this thread).  After adding some missing parts (like NEED_ENCODED_DISKBOOT=1), I was able to build diskboot.bin.  However, this build fails during the boot process.  I created a few debug points (flashing the led) and their appears to be an issue in the assembly code.  My guess is the problem is with 'sub_FFC194A0_my' in /platform/a1000/sub/100b/boot.c since 'sub_FFC604A4_my' is never reached.

My results are nearly identical to a previous poster.  I don't have the expertise to get any further.

Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #193 on: 12 / November / 2009, 20:43:11 »
I created a patch to the latest build of CHDK (836).  Hopefully someone with more knowledge than I can use it to more quickly get a build into the trunk. 

Using the attached files (don't forget to also grab PRIMARY.BIN), one should be able to patch 836 and build A1000IS firmware.  However, as I mentioned in an earlier post, the firmware fails during the boot process.

I'd love to see this merged into the trunk, so that A1000IS development can move forward and not continue to fall behind.

Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #194 on: 12 / November / 2009, 22:35:53 »
actually is the a1000is even in the tracker?  i think we're still stuck in beta and not incorporated into the build system yet....

as for implementing new patches into the incomplete a1000is version... i'm not sure if that's doable.  i don't think there's anyone here who is actively developing for the a1000is version right now.

alas, i don't have any coding/building/compiling expertise so i'm no help.

but i'll stand beside you and whistle and twiddle my thumbs.... : )


Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #195 on: 29 / November / 2009, 08:06:17 »
Does anyone have a bin file for the july 08 firmware of the a1000?  I can't get the posted version to work and I think its because I have the july 08 firmware even though it is version 1.00b.  I have used chdk on many other cameras and would really like to get this one working for aerial photography.  Thanks a ton in advance.


Offline EyP3

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Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #196 on: 29 / November / 2009, 08:25:49 »
the 1.00a version and the 1.00b versions were posted in this forum. Do you believe you have a different firmware than these? How did you check?

Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #197 on: 29 / November / 2009, 20:33:04 »
the 1.00a version and the 1.00b versions were posted in this forum. Do you believe you have a different firmware than these? How did you check?

Thanks for pointing out that 1.00a was also posted, I must have downloaded that one by mistake.  I made sure to download the one for 1.00b and now it works.  Seems like you have to press disp instead of menu like normal but it'll def work for what I need.

Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #198 on: 12 / December / 2009, 11:40:25 »
If anyone wants to try a pre-release version of SDM 1.82 for the A1000, you can get it here :-


Re: A1000IS porting...
« Reply #199 on: 28 / January / 2010, 01:11:24 »
I, seems, found, where it is necessary to correct the code for good RAW a1000is.
In code http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,2654.120.html in module a1000_chdk/include/camera.h

#elif defined (CAMERA_a1000)
    #define CAM_PROPSET                 2
    #define CAM_DRYOS                     1
   //not it is correct
   // #define CAM_RAW_ROWPIX              3648   // for new 8 MP
   // #define CAM_RAW_ROWS                2756   // for new 8 MP
   //it is correct
    #define CAM_RAW_ROWPIX           3736   // for new 10 MP!
    #define CAM_RAW_ROWS             2772   // for new 10 MP!
    #define CAM_JPEG_WIDTH            3648
    #define CAM_JPEG_HEIGHT          2736
    #define CAM_EV_IN_VIDEO             1
    #define CAM_CAN_MUTE_MICROPHONE     1

 No calibration with use DNG4PS-2 will not help until it is corrected description CAM_RAW_ROWPIX and CAM_RAW_ROWS.
 The Big request to that beside who there is working code. Peretransliruyte with change
 or put src working code.
 CHDK http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,2654.120.html (http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2654.0;attach=3398)
 it is translated, but is not loaded(boot).


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