Following a link from the Flickr G9 group, I downloaded and installed CHDK. I have no idea how perfected the version I have used is and I still don't see the G9 as a supported camera.
When I use the DOF function in CHDK, with the lens zoomed to its wide-angle setting (7.4 mm focal length) and a subject distance of 1.01 meters I get
"Near Limit: .666", "Far Limit: 2.14", "DOF: 1.47".
If I check this here
Online Depth of Field Calculator by entering the same focal length and subject distance, I get a near limit of 0.77 and a far limit of 1.47 meters, which is not at all the same.
(Aperture f2.8 in both cases).
Is this normal ? Perhaps there is something I haven't understood here (probably...)?
Is it normal that the CHDK DOF figures do not change as the lens is stopped down? I assume that it only shows DOF at the widest aperture setting.
Apologies if these questions are stupid: I'm having a little trouble navigating around the available information...
Many thanks!
PS Thank you! It was worth installing simply for the grid function...