adding wires to power button for remote restart - seeking help (pics included) - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

adding wires to power button for remote restart - seeking help (pics included)

  • 3 Replies
in general, my camera hacking is going very well but i've found a new challenge. i need to be able to reset the camera remotely. i have a system to do that but i need to figure out how to make the electrical connection to the camera. Below are pics of the power button on my a650.

i need to attach two wires to the power button.

any helpful hints or ideas?

(or elves i could hire?)

Exterior view.

The challenge. Its the momentary contact switch behind the word "TOP." There are two tiny contacts on the front edge. i could possibly attach here.

disassembly pic taken by someone else. It doesn't appear to lead anywhere easier to work with.

Success on an a570


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    • Francesco Bonomi
tiny tiny tracks.

do you have strict weight/power requirements?

wouldn't an "electric finger" be better?

a few years ago I was powering up an Aiptek camera with a servo motor

mind sharing your setup in full detail? if your electric finger promises to be more reliable then i'll certainly go for it.

the small tracks don't bother me except for the small possibility that i'd melt right through them. it seems that there should be enough contact on the front of the switch contacts to do the job.

any helpful hints or ideas?

These switches normally have four contacts consisting of two pairs that are joined.
Using a multimeter on the resistance range determine which pairs are shorted together.

A temperature-controlled iron with the finest possible tip (such as made by Antex) will allow you to quickly solder extremely thin wire (from 80-way ribbon cable for drives) to the contacts.

Make a very neat socket for your exterior control by drilling two 1mm holes in the plastic body and using two pins extracted from a DIL socket.

Before soldering to the pins, cut-off two pins from a DIL socket and insert into your two pins.

That will prevent them moving when the heat from the iron softens the plastic.



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