Modified udumper is attached.
Exander, thanks for the good work!
I was trying to compile the standard udumper as well as your modified udumper (main.c)
but I am basically wondering whether I am doing it alright. I managed to install arm-elf-gcc
on linux BUT what's strange to me is that the compiled main.c has >150kB! Could you help me
explain what is happening? I'm a complete newbie to cross-compiling.
So to accurately describe what I have done: I took your main.c function and compiled it using
arm-elf-gcc. This produced no error messages. The bin file is 150458 bytes long. In HEX, I can see
that first 7*16+2 = 114 bytes are nonzero, then there are loads of zeros, and then again there is something starting exactly at 8000H and going to the very end of the file.
The first 114 bytes start as follows:
7F 45 4C 46 01 01 01 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
02 00 28 00 01 00 00 00 0C 81 00 00 34 00 00 00
9C 2C 02 00 ....
Does this look somehow familiar to you or is it complete nonsense? Would you guess what I am doing wrong?
Thanks a lot!