CHDK: bugs reporting... - Forum related topics (including issues) - CHDK Forum

CHDK: bugs reporting...

  • 6 Replies

Offline GrAnd

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CHDK: bugs reporting...
« on: 07 / January / 2008, 02:55:13 »
Do we need some bug reporting system to describe bugs / fill enhancement requests? I think we do. It could help us in tracking them.
But unless we have such system, there is a suggestion to open dedicated child-board exclusively for bug reporting. And write the rules (standard form) for filling a bug report.
Also see this discussion.
CHDK Developer.

Re: CHDK: bugs reporting...
« Reply #1 on: 07 / January / 2008, 15:32:54 »
Well, obviously I agree (if you click GrAnd's link to the related discussion).

Even the fact that I was directed here to make the request suggests that it is really difficult to know where to post things, and where to go hunting for things.

It certainly seems to me that the most appropriate place to have a child board for bug reports is together with the child boards for all of the different builds.  The place you go to find out things about them, to discuss them and ask questions about them would seem the logical place to also report bugs in them.

Also, I would make one further distinction regarding GrAnd's suggestion:  I would have two distinct child boards for what he described; one specifically for bug reports, and another for feature requests.  They are two distinctly different things; one relates to problems found in existing code, and the other relates to requests for additional code to be written.

Due to the cross-breeding of the various builds, it seems to me (though I certainly could be wrong) that one board should be the central repository for bug reports, as the same bug may occur in more than one of the major builds.  (And likewise, feature requests should have one central repository, so that developers can find all requests in one place, instead of hunting all over, or just missing requests because they were not easily found.

As fantastic an amazing as all of these builds are (and they truly are!), if they have bugs that prevent features from being used, that isn't good for anyone.  I'm sure that the developers don't want significant bugs in their code, and as a user, I would like the full benefits of fully working builds.

It is in everyone's best interest to have a known place where bugs can be reported and the location of fixes, when available, can be obtained.

Thanks for anyone who can help in this cause.

Tom Friend
Tom Friend
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Nikon Coolpix 990, Olympus C-8080WZ, Nikon D1, Canon S2 IS, Canon SD700

Re: CHDK: bugs reporting...
« Reply #2 on: 07 / January / 2008, 16:57:31 »
Hello gents,

Sorry for noticing this discussion so late. Feel free to PM me when there are these sort of requests on the board, there is way to much info for me here.

GrAnd, please check your PM box.



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Re: CHDK: bugs reporting...
« Reply #3 on: 09 / April / 2008, 18:12:04 »
hi all,
since we still don't have bugzilla system to report the bugs, what about setting new section in CHDK Development "Bugs Reports"?
topic = summary, one post = one bug

i'm going to give a try new S5 builds and it seems it will be quite many of them (bugs), & some i will try to solve myself

and lastly: dg 10x for S5

S5IS 1.01bc


Offline DataGhost

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Re: CHDK: bugs reporting...
« Reply #4 on: 09 / April / 2008, 18:21:18 »
I personally don't really think forums are particularly useful for bug tracking, there are a lot more and more powerful tools out there. Anyway, maybe I'm stating something obvious here, but can't we use trac for bug tracking? It's got a ticket system... I do see a few closed reports in there, one about 'bugtracker', closed with wontfix but the reason for that isn't really obvious, can anyone explain that?

Re: CHDK: bugs reporting...
« Reply #5 on: 09 / April / 2008, 18:52:34 »
It would be best to have the bugtracker integrated, and that's what's being taken care of.

In a very near time it will be operational. (I hope)


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: CHDK: bugs reporting...
« Reply #6 on: 10 / April / 2008, 09:12:56 »
I personally don't really think forums are particularly useful for bug tracking, there are a lot more and more powerful tools out there. Anyway, maybe I'm stating something obvious here, but can't we use trac for bug tracking? It's got a ticket system... I do see a few closed reports in there, one about 'bugtracker', closed with wontfix but the reason for that isn't really obvious, can anyone explain that?

here's a lenghty discussion about the topic: SD870 porting - first steps? i had the same questions you have :)


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