It seems that the dump is still incorrect.
1) It's too long.
2) Some blocks are "flying" in the file.
Looks like dec.exe did incorrect seeks to positions before writing. But it should work (it works well on my machine). What the OS did you use? Did you use correct base address in the dec.c?
The output file should contain data not more than dumped range. You can clearly see this from the very simple source of dec.c:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static unsigned char *data;
static int len;
static unsigned long base = 0xFFC00000; [color=red] // Should be adjusted for camera model.
#include "crc16.c"
int findsig(int sp)
int i;
for (i=0;i<(len-sp-4);i++){
if ((data[sp+i+0] == 0x0a) &&
(data[sp+i+1] == 0x55) &&
(data[sp+i+2] == 0xaa) &&
(data[sp+i+3] == 0x50) )
return sp+i;
return -1;
int main()
FILE *f, *fo;
int r,t, crc;
unsigned long addr, blk=base;
f = fopen("dump", "r+b");
if (!f) {
perror("Can't open input file");
fo = fopen("dump.dat", "r+b");
if (!fo) {
fo = fopen("dump.dat", "w+b");
if (!fo) {
perror("Can't open output file");
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END);
len = ftell(f);
data = malloc(len);
fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
r = fread(data,1, len, f);
printf("read %d bytes... \n", r);
t = findsig(0);
while (t>0){
addr = *(long*)(data+t+4);
while (blk < addr) {
printf("MISSED block: %08x\n", blk);
blk += 1024;
printf("found SIG at %7d... Base: %08x CRC...", t, addr);
crc = crc16(0,data+t+8, 1024);
printf("%04x...", crc);
if ((*(unsigned short*)(data+t+8+1024) == crc) &&
(*(unsigned short*)(data+t+8+1024+2) == crc)){
fseek(fo, addr-base, SEEK_SET); [color=red]// Go to the actual block location[/color]
fwrite(data+t+8,1,1024,fo); [color=red]// Write the data[/color]
} else {
t = findsig(t+8);
blk += 1024;
// fwrite(data,1,len,fo);