Possible to disable original battery indicator and motion sensor(A590IS,1.00E)? - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum

Possible to disable original battery indicator and motion sensor(A590IS,1.00E)?

  • 6 Replies
Thanks a lot to community for the CHDK for A590IS (1.00e). Three months ago it was not there and now it works and does it pretty well.

= the original (Canon) battery indicator is very very annoying. I've seen in Wiki a request to turn it OFF. Is such thing is actually possible or a dream?

= One of CHDK features is that it kicks me out of ALT MENU if I shake camera a bit (because of very sensitive direction sensor). Would it be possible to turn sensor off just for the time in ALT mode? If so, what is the best place to file the request? May be a workaround with a "autorun" script could be possible?

= RAW mode (the main thing of why I went for CHDK) is not very usable in A590IS. Even I could not get a similar to hi-JPEG quality (noise-wise) with dng4ps2. Also it does not help much with "pushing ISO" technique (underexpose with lower ISO and push during RAW/DNG conversion). Does somebody find any real use of DNG/RAW file for Axxx serie?

With best wishes and Merry Christmas,
« Last Edit: 25 / December / 2008, 06:07:48 by pavel7nl »
Happy owner of some DSLR and some P&S including A590IS


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Re: Is it possible to disable original battery indicator
« Reply #1 on: 24 / December / 2008, 18:49:58 »
the original (Canon) battery indicator is very very annoying. I've seen in Wiki a request to turn it OFF. Is such thing is actually possible or a dream?

One of CHDK features is that it kicks me out of ALT MENU if I shake camera a bit (because of very sensitive direction sensor). Would it be possible to turn sensor off just for the time in ALT mode? If so, what is the best place to file the request? May be a workaround with a "autorun" script could be possible?
Please create a feature request at Mantis and edit topic title to include camera model!

« Last Edit: 24 / December / 2008, 18:51:57 by pixeldoc2000 »


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= the original (Canon) battery indicator is very very annoying. I've seen in Wiki a request to turn it OFF. Is such thing is actually possible or a dream?

= One of CHDK features is that it kicks me out of ALT MENU if I shake camera a bit (because of very sensitive direction sensor). Would it be possible to turn sensor off just for the time in ALT mode? If so, what is the best place to file the request?

Yes, the battery indicator is highly annoying. I've tried getting rid of it but haven't succeeded so far.

I may be wrong, but turning the camera around probably doesn't actually kick you out of ALT mode, it just redraws the Canon display over CHDK so that you think you exited. So if you're in a menu, just navigate with the arrow keys some more and the menu will redraw. I don't know the details, but I think some of these redraw things have previously been fixed for other models (I remember the same happened on a570 a year ago but not anymore).

And raw....  you're not going to be able to get less noisy images unless you stack multiple shots. And for that you should use RAW to prevent jpeg compression artifacts from screwing the image up before stacking. You only get 2 extra bits over the jpeg and Canon's jpeg develop process is already pretty good so most of the time for most people, RAW is not very important for these cameras.

Yes, the battery indicator is highly annoying. I've tried getting rid of it but haven't succeeded so far.

I may be wrong, but turning the camera around probably doesn't actually kick you out of ALT mode, it just redraws the Canon display over CHDK ....

And raw....  you're not going to be able to get less noisy images unless you stack multiple shots.

Thank you for confirmations. Exactly as I thought.

Indeed, the screen is overwritten not exited in ALT mode. Otherwise playing games would be a real trouble :)

After testing images from LX3 the hope for a reasonable RAW was small. And the "Developing RAW" from ISO 1600 with in-camera ISO 80 converter just confirmed that the original RAW images are very noisy. I would agree with compliments over Canon engineers who managed to get very reasonable JPEG out of terrible RAW. I do not experience too many artifacts or other negative features from in-camera image processing (comparing to 350D). And 2 extra bits are just not enough reason for RAW.

So lets enjoy the really nice features of CHDK and do not concentrate on others.

And hope that Canon would officially accept CHDK, who is bringing popularity of their cameras.

PS: Have not been playing Sokoban for more than 10 years :)
Happy owner of some DSLR and some P&S including A590IS

Happy owner of some DSLR and some P&S including A590IS


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Some time ago I proposed the solution (but I am not assured of its correctness.).
When possible, I would vote for a solution to catch the screen being changed and redraw screen only one time (suggested was redrawing all the time). Alternative is temporary disable Auto rotating image in Play mode.
Happy owner of some DSLR and some P&S including A590IS


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