SX110IS - howto start porting - page 11 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SX110IS - howto start porting

  • 573 Replies
Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #100 on: 12 / April / 2009, 16:30:39 »
it work for me but i would like to shoot in raw and what raw file prefix, raw file extension, raw subtract prefix and raw subtract extension???? many thanks


Offline axu89

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #101 on: 12 / April / 2009, 17:14:11 »
hi guys!
is this chdk the final version or an alpha (or beta)?
is it possible to play divx videos with the camera or it needs a really hard firmware hack?
it work for me but i would like to shoot in raw and what raw file prefix, raw file extension, raw subtract prefix and raw subtract extension???? many thanks

Guys please read previous posts in the thread.. You will discover that this CHDK isnt yet final, I dont know if it should be called alpha or beta, I would say its just alpha because theres so few things that work OK.

Raw-shooting IS NOT yet completely functional, you can shoot DNG's but the result will be somewhat blue and trying to take CRW's hasnt been successfull for me. Yarvieh is working on the RAW (I hope so :P).

Searching the forum will give you many answers ...
[SX110 IS]

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #102 on: 12 / April / 2009, 17:15:51 »
XD ahora si que pude, me faltaba hacer el ultimo paso, jajajaa, muy bakan.... provandoo  mil graciass


Offline Hyst

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #103 on: 12 / April / 2009, 19:27:46 »

first of all: great work porting this thing..
i bought the sx110 yesterday and just found out today, that there is such a thing like: chdk.

so here is my 2 minute beta-testing "kind-off" report *g*

Since chdkj  had a reasonable status report I'll just update it with what i did today.
I attached a patch against svn revision 729 and the latest binaries.

Current status:

- keyboard: mixed keys, wrong assignment, JogDial up/down is swapped

i tried the "CHDK-sx110is-100b-0.9.7" but keys (ub/down) are still mixed.

- Optical Zoom is not availible while shooting a video
- The rear/2nd shutter sync does not work. The camera is still flashing at the beginning of the exposure and not at the end.

Canon Powershot SX110

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #104 on: 12 / April / 2009, 19:34:30 »
People I understand you're all excited but could we please limit this thread to development and bugs only? If you have trouble getting it to run or don't know how CHDK works please go to the appropiate place and ask for help there.

I haven't been able to get rid of the blue haze in the DNG's produced by CHDK, I patched DNG4PS-2 to read the CRW files produced by CHDK and those look ok. However DNG4PS-2 has been written with 10 bit RAW in mind getting it to deal with 12 bit images will take significant changes to the codebase. (my copy now deals with the SX110 but breaks all other camera's ) so it might still take a while for me to finish my patch and submit it back to the opensource project. Putting the new calibration matrix calculated by DNG4PS-2 into CHDK still doesn't get rid of the blue haze though no clue whats going on there.

I'll attach my copy of DNG4PS-2 but realize this breaks all compatibilty with all other camera's and will only work for the sx110is and it still tosses out 2 bits of information. Given the bad quality of this patch please do not redistribute anywhere. I'll do my best to get a more high quality patch to the DNG4PS-2 guys when i have more time on my hands. you might need the Visual C Runtime before it will run on your system. Please don't ask for support on this quick hack.

I have submited a patch to the dcraw guy since that seems to be the base for alot of raw convertors, haven't heard back on that one though.

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #105 on: 12 / April / 2009, 19:37:55 »
i tried the "CHDK-sx110is-100b-0.9.7" but keys (ub/down) are still mixed.
Keys definitly work fine on my cam, I might have accidentally attached an old copy can you try the one attached to this post?


Offline Hyst

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #106 on: 12 / April / 2009, 20:04:11 »
Yes, with this one it is working.
nice done!

what i don't really like is this power-up feature.
short press on the on/off button -> play mode
long press on the on/off button -> record mode

is there a way to disable this?
because you can go to the play mode everytime you press the play-mode button (even when the camera is turned off).

best regards
Canon Powershot SX110

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #107 on: 12 / April / 2009, 20:27:34 »
Actually thought it was kinda of a neat feature no idea how it works though its all chdkj's magic that made it boot.

Personally I don't like running CHDK all the time so use the firmware update method to start it. (copy the fi2 file to sdcard, hit play, hit menu , bottom option)

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #108 on: 13 / April / 2009, 03:09:46 »
This is where the magic starts ;) Respect!!!


Offline Hyst

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #109 on: 13 / April / 2009, 04:08:52 »
Hi again.

here is a nother "bug". If you have mapped the alt-key onto the print-key the auto-iso shift wont work. neither with a short nor with a long press of the button

Actually thought it was kinda of a neat feature no idea how it works though its all chdkj's magic that made it boot.

Personally I don't like running CHDK all the time so use the firmware update method to start it. (copy the fi2 file to sdcard, hit play, hit menu , bottom option)
i see. still... if you figure it out, or someone knows how to change it, let me know :)
Canon Powershot SX110


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