SX110IS - howto start porting - page 8 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SX110IS - howto start porting

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #70 on: 09 / April / 2009, 07:04:52 »
hello, i'm french and i bought sx110 since november and i would like to know if chdk sx110 is ported? i'm reading the forum and i found a method chdkj but i don't understand, thanks to help me and sorry for my poor english

Yes, you can say chdk is ported, but still needs heavy development though.

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #71 on: 09 / April / 2009, 11:59:00 »
ok thanks but where is the link and tuto for chdk sx110 ?

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #72 on: 09 / April / 2009, 12:01:23 »


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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #73 on: 10 / April / 2009, 04:24:52 »
@all: thanks for the flowers... let's put the six packs together and have a party!

@inferno: Please, could you deliver more details about not working video so we can check and probably fix it?

Still need assistance. My time budget is limited and I can't check all functions and fix them if neccessary for my own.
I'm off for a few days now (Easter holidays) and I am busy till end of May!



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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #74 on: 10 / April / 2009, 04:47:06 »
Current status:
most annoying bug: RAW is definitely broken!

Code-related issues:
-- ------------------
- core/kbd.c:   ZSTEP_TABLE_SIZE, nTxtbl
- platform/<camera>/shooting.c: dof_tbl
- platform/<camera>/sub/lib.c: hook_raw_image_addr, vid_get_viewport_live_fb
- include/camera.h: cam_CFAPattern, CAM_COLORMATRIX1, cam_CalibrationIlluminant1, CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_* and a few other things
   COLORMATRIX --> I've read in forum that DGN4PS2 should be used for
- platform/<camera>/main.c: modemap    --> as ewavr said: Using propertycase browser in debug menu (propcase #49).
- platform/<camera>/kbd.c: keymap, keys_mask*
   keymap -->,2900.75.html (basically, using debug osd for output of physw_status to get values for keys pressed and build a keymap) I did not found those values in fw dump, but I can not believe that they don't exist there.
- include/camera.h: properties need to be adjusted/corrected

- switch to new code base (trunk)
- implementation of firmware update method

- LCD screen sometimes flickering (red snow)
- keyboard: mixed keys, wrong assignment --> might be interfere with a wrong keymap (and keys_mask* and alt_mode_key_mask)
- modemap
- zoom wheel doesn't work from time to time
- shutter button doesn't work from time to time
- scripts: badpixel.lua ends always with "Try again..", badpixel.bin will not generated (but bad_tmp.bin)


- Multi-partitioning works, you can use your SDHC-cards.
- Video Zoom: Unfortunately real video zoom doesn't work. Only digital zoom is available but thats not that glorious. I think (but I don't know) CHDK is not able to bypass that restriction.
- Mixed keys: <face> seems to be <ALT> if you choose <print>  for <ALT> in OSD, <menu> becomes <ALT> if you choose <face> for <ALT> in OSD
   JogDial up/down is still swapped
- RAW: will be shot but is unusable --> maybe some wrong RAW-parameters. SX110 uses a new 9 MP-CCD and I couldn't get information about dimensions, active areas and so on.   I think that should be one of the most important things to fix. --> have a look at my camera.h and hook_raw_size (platform/<cam>/sub/<fw>/lib.c)
- battery indicator relies upon estimated values and might be wrong

Some toughts about RAW:
Sensor dimensions in camera.h are definitely wrong! Due to missing information about the real sensor size I made following assumptions (camera.h contains other values):

#define CAM_RAW_ROWPIX              3524   //? 
#define CAM_RAW_ROWS                2626   //? 
    #define CAM_JPEG_WIDTH  3456 //ok
    #define CAM_JPEG_HEIGHT 2592   //ok
    #define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_X1 10 // ?
    #define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_Y1 8 // ?
    #define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_X2 3496 // ?
    #define CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_Y2 2622 //?

The only well known parameter is the JPEG-size. All others are derived from those values (4:3 aspect ratio, 1-2% bigger sensor size than JPEG-dimensions).

You have also to consider hook_raw_size.

   //      Found at ROM:FFE60B00
   //      ROM:FFE60BB4                 LDR     R1, =0xEC04F0
   //      ROM:FFE60BB8                 ADR     R0, aCrawBuffSizeP ; "CRAW BUFF SIZE  %p"
   //      ROM:FFE60BBC                 BL      sub_FFCE7000
  return 0xEC04F0;

Based on the assumption of a 10bit-sensor so 0xEC04F0 is to big. If 12bit and a 4:3 aspect ratio:

0xEC04F0 =15467760

so real sensor size should be 3708x2781 ????

next point:
//#define DNG_EXT_FROM ".CR2" //??, commented out due to missing variables some_f_for_dng and second_ext_for_dng)
SX110 seems to handle RAW/DNG like SX10 and not like SX100.

Ok, thats all for now.

Have fun!



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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #75 on: 10 / April / 2009, 05:04:52 »
Based on the assumption of a 10bit-sensor so 0xEC04F0 is to big. If 12bit and a 4:3 aspect ratio:

0xEC04F0 =15467760

so real sensor size should be 3708x2781 ????


  return 0xEC04F0;
The same size as for SX10. But SX10 is 10 MP camera, SX110 - 9 MP ???

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #76 on: 10 / April / 2009, 07:16:04 »
- Video Zoom: Unfortunately real video zoom doesn't work. Only digital zoom is available but thats not that glorious. I think (but I don't know) CHDK is not able to bypass that restriction.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think CHDK was able to pass this restriction on SX 100. At least I've read it somewhere..


Offline ewavr

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #77 on: 10 / April / 2009, 08:28:59 »
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think CHDK was able to pass this restriction on SX 100. At least I've read it somewhere..

Yes, optical zoom in video available for almost all cameras with CHDK.

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #78 on: 10 / April / 2009, 09:24:57 »
Perdon por pobre ingles, pero, como instalo el chdk y para que sirve el truk y como se instala???.
Estuve todo el dia tratando de instalarlo pero no pude.
muchas gracias.

Sorry for poor English, but as chdk install and to serve as Truk and installed?.
Spent all day trying to install but could not.
thank you very much
« Last Edit: 10 / April / 2009, 14:16:26 by popo_caris »

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #79 on: 10 / April / 2009, 21:10:04 »
- We should implement the firmware update method for using CHDK on sx110 --> look at here:,2995.0.html

Looked into this, not much is needed. Set OPT_FI2 in the compiler options and insert the proper keys in .Since posting the keys has 'legal' issues i'll just tell you where to find them

IV sits at ROM:FFEF6938 and starts with 0xf7
KEY sits at ROM:FFFF1A08 and starts with 0x0b

(mods if I'm crossing a line by posting the first byte of both, please accept my apologies and remove all 16 offending bits of information)

After that just recompile, copy the resulting fi2 file to the sd-card and use the fw update function to start CHDK. *Yay* no more messing with that lock slider on the sd card :)

For the people unable to compile them selves I attached a copy of the resulting fi2 file, as with anything posted here use at own risk It works fine on my cam but if it eats your homework, kills your dog or steals your girlfriend I know nothing.

Great work chdkj!


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