A new child is born!The name is SX110IS and it's a Canon.
SX110IS boots CHDK, shoots RAW and does a lot of funny and useful things like zebraing, DOF-calculating, drawing histograms and so on... 
I checked neither the integrity of all functions nor the results of them (like RAW).
Some buttons are mixed: JogDial up/down, Menu-button --> <ALT>, playback-button behaves a little bit unexpected
--> have to check some functions that deals with keyboard
To start CHDK:
- prepare your SD card and don't forget the write protection
- press "on/off" button long --> starts in record mode (short press: playback mode) --> I like this feature!
- press "menu" button short --> thats the <ALT> key, CHDK will "activated" (@developers: I beg your pardon)
- press "disp" button --> you will get the CHDK menu
- press "playback" button (the button with a right arrow) --> you enter playback mode
- press "playback" button again --> you enter record mode
If you would start the cam with a short pressed on/off than you will get the playback mode immediately but it's somehow complicated to enter the record mode after.
There are still issues left:
- Current platform-kbd.c is derived from sx100. I prefer to use sx10-code, but that was not so successful in terms of kbd.c. Now many things are getting clearer and we should try to switch back to sx10-code.
- We should implement the firmware update method for using CHDK on sx110 --> look at here:
http://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php/topic,2995.0.html- remove debug code if exists
- switch to current CHDK trunk
We need a list of items to check (e.g. scripting, remote control, RAW,...). I saw similar lists in some forum posts.
Most problematic functions left are written in C-code so don't hesitate to check and correct those. We should collect all changes and release a "collective update" from time to time until it reaches the final state.
Please, test as much as you can and check the code, if possible.
And I can not stress it enough: all those great things would not the possible without the altruistic and outstandig work of the CHDK developers! Thank you!!!
Wanna play? Use my code attached (trunk725.zip) and compile it for yourself (recommended method) or use the attached DISKBOOT.BIN (CHDK-sx110is-100b-0.9.7.zip). Use a cheap SD-card (use the 32 MB-Canon-SD-Card for instance, delivered with your cam -so in Germany at least-)!
I would call it Beta. It's more than Alpha but not RTM.
Again: this is experimental code! It might be damaged your camera an can produce headaches or even worser.
EDIT: Attachments deleted (final version released on Autobuild already)