Got it.

Zebra, Histogram and MD-scripts are working now.
New version of CHDK for SX110 attached (you have to be a forum member for downloading).
It was actually the broken LiveImage buffer (see also,2838.msg31903.html#msg31903)... Thanks to reyalp for that hint.
Found right addresses in firmware for variables used in function vid_get_viewport_live_fb in sub/lib.c.
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb()
void **fb=(void **)0x21a0; //ROM:FFC285D0 dword_FFC285D0 DCD 0x21A0, look also at ROM:FFC27FF0
unsigned char buff = *((unsigned char*)0x2014); //ROM:FFC285C8 dword_FFC285C8 DCD 0x2014 , look also at ROM:FFC27FA0
if (buff == 0) buff = 2; else buff--;
return fb[buff];
Camera stops (blank LCD, lens moved out, green led on) after some time if a script is running and (tested with badpixel.lua or MD-script and shooting
mode=test) but camera responds in some way to keyboard. I don't know how to assess that.
I believe that this have nothing to do with sx110-specific port of CHDK but can't exclude it.
My original bug list (,2838.msg31903.html#msg31903) has melted down to this:
Code-related issues:
- core/kbd.c: ZSTEP_TABLE_SIZE, nTxtbl --> still unverified
- platform/<camera>/shooting.c: dof_tbl --> still unverified
- platform/<camera>/sub/lib.c: hook_raw_image_addr --> still questionable, but seems to work
- include/camera.h: CAM_COLORMATRIX1, CAM_ACTIVE_AREA_* --> must be adapted to SX110
- GetBatteryTemperature --> still linked to GetCCDTemperature to avoid camera crash
- all others...
I'm glad...
P.S. DNG is useable at least but colors are not how they should be...
P.P.S. Use DNG instead of RAW (--> you can find a lot of discussion about it in forum)