SX110IS - howto start porting - page 36 - DryOS Development - CHDK Forum

SX110IS - howto start porting

  • 573 Replies
Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #350 on: 04 / May / 2009, 14:56:13 »
do we have the advanced version with all 3 buffers?,471.msg33535.html#msg33535
CHDK source code says yes... have a look to /platform/sx110is/sub/100b/lib.c (e.g. online):
Code: [Select]
void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb()
  { void **fb=(void **)0x21a0; //ROM:FFC285D0 dword_FFC285D0  DCD 0x21A0, look also at ROM:FFC27FF0
     unsigned char buff = *((unsigned char*)0x2014); //ROM:FFC285C8 dword_FFC285C8  DCD 0x2014    , look also at ROM:FFC27FA0
      if (buff == 0) buff = 2;  else buff--;
      return fb[buff];  }

I only dont have the knowledge :(
I also thinked so, because MD is very fast ;)
Great work chdkj!
Canon PowerShot SX110 IS
CHDK: at Autobuild now
Wiki: SX110IS


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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #351 on: 04 / May / 2009, 16:00:59 »
What should I say? Some pathetic like: "A man has to do what a man has to do..." ;-)))

It's actually not my work. There are some people around, willing to make things running and to share their knowledge and results with others. Thats is all the work of those people. What I did, is to made a port based on those excellence. Porting a new camera is more the work of a book keeper (no insult and even not my job and I do not erode the work of other porters) than the work of a developer. This might be sound curious especially to non-developers but it's true. And: one will need some knowledge of a developer to make a successful port.

To be short:  I wouldn't miss the chance, to say Thank You to those people, who made that possible.

A reason more to attend the coming 26C3 and have a beer together...


Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #352 on: 07 / May / 2009, 08:02:31 »

I'm trying to use DNG2PS to convert RAW to DNG, but the resulting picture has a different RGB histogram aspect comparing to the camera's JPEG... In fact, the resulting DNG is yellowish comparing to the JPEG. (I've selected the correct SX110IS color profile in DNG2PS, and left WhiteBalance in Auto)

Is this related to this Color Matrix problem you are talking about, or it's related to DNG2PS settings?

Thank's in advance.

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #353 on: 07 / May / 2009, 23:39:59 »
In the link below there is a multi target picture taken with SX110. Maybe it can help to improve the color matrix.


Offline Inferno

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #354 on: 08 / May / 2009, 06:45:40 »
I compared yellowish haze of CRW with bluish haze of DNG. It's the same amout of haze. Maybe they are both related somehow.

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #355 on: 08 / May / 2009, 14:29:14 »
In the link below there is a multi target picture taken with SX110. Maybe it can help to improve the color matrix.

Maybe we should do that:,390.0.html

chermucsnis it is possible for you to take a photo with these settings?
Canon PowerShot SX110 IS
CHDK: at Autobuild now
Wiki: SX110IS


Offline axu89

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #356 on: 08 / May / 2009, 15:00:01 »
In the link below there is a multi target picture taken with SX110. Maybe it can help to improve the color matrix.

Maybe we should do that:,390.0.html

chermucsnis it is possible for you to take a photo with these settings?

Ive tried but I couldnt get good results :/ Yarvieh was working on the matrix bus hasnt posted in 2 weeks :(
[SX110 IS]


Offline chdkj

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Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #357 on: 08 / May / 2009, 15:48:42 »
Yarvieh told me some days ago, that he followed both links and got no satisfying results. But I can't speak for him, of course :-).

I don't have enough spare time these days and can not work on CHDK for sx110. Will be back at end of month (but I will check the forum from time to time).

@obihoernchen: sx110-wiki-page looks good!!!

Just an idea: What's about the other 12-bit cameras? Do they possess a proper color profile? How do they got it?


Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #358 on: 08 / May / 2009, 15:51:18 »
In the link below there is a multi target picture taken with SX110. Maybe it can help to improve the color matrix.

Maybe we should do that:,390.0.html

chermucsnis it is possible for you to take a photo with these settings?

I'm afraid not, I have no ColorCheck target to take a photo of. I just saw this picture in a website reviewing the SX110, and thouth it could help, but now I see that the color calibration requires also the RAW file as well, not only the JPEG, and that the camera must be with specific settings.

Re: SX110IS - howto start porting
« Reply #359 on: 08 / May / 2009, 15:56:38 »
Reading closely the post with the link to the DNG4PS adapted for SX110, the author tells that this preliminary build "tosses 2 bit of information" (because the original DNG4PS works only with 10 bits, I suppose).

What would be the impact of losing these 2 bits? Could it be related to these color issues?


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